WS Domains
Internet Business I canceled my account in May and this company continues to charge my cr. Card. Western Samoa World Wide

Internet & Web

I sent an e-mail in May and did what I was suppose to. This company charged my Credit Card in June after I had canceled. When I called them about it they refuse to refund the money as they claim I canceled in June and not May. I sent them the e-mail again showing the May cancelation yet it shows on their records that I canceled in June. I made no money as they claim I would. Sad that $11.00 is more improtatant than being honest!

Loveland, Colorado

Company: WS Domains
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 7606023000
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Internet Cash Machine-ICM website
Looked at site and canceled before the time was up. Canceled on June 6 and they charged me on the 8th. Have not received refund as of yet 10/12/10

Jcom Skymedia
Ripoff fraudulant billing deceptive sales

Oan Services, Inc

Paypal Executed Canceled Subscription on My Paypal Account Internet

BB&T Bank And Bank Of America
Bank Fraud-The Thieves are on the Inside!

1 & 1 Internet Inc
Rip-off renewed domains after i canceled them & bad customer service

Bluegreen Timeshares
Timeshare rip-off!

Straight 2 You Networks - Anthony - owner
Straight 2 You Networks, Anthony-owner ripoff: Charges your credit card or checking account for more accounts than you have and will not refund the money and then claims you frauded them!

Washington Gas
Did not process request to remove from Automated Billing, charged $25.00 fee and will not reimburse!

Internet Cash Machines or ICM Websites
Canceled and got refund $149.95 but they continue to charge me monthly 29.95 fee since june!