BB&T Bank And Bank Of America
Bank Fraud-The Thieves are on the Inside!

Business & Finance

Bank Fraud at its worst - The Thieves are on the Inside!

I had $134,000.00 in deposits stolen by BB&T Bank and Bank of America in my hometown of Hopewell, VA. Where I had been a customer for over 36 years and was well known by both of the Bank employees and Managers.

After retirement, my wife and I wanted to rebuild her family's business, I borrowed ($50,000.00), on my signature to pay off all outstanding debts at the time and started rebuilding.

After 18 months of hard work and long hours in reorganizing, we increased sales by 400% and were gaining sales at the $220,000.00 level per month. A BB&T
representative (Bruce Brockwell), came down to North Carolina to look at our records, our plant operation and our proposed growth ideas and he was well pleased at what he saw.

In May when our daughter went to BOA to make an $8,600.00 deposit but the bank would not accept a deposit and would not tell her anything. I called the banks manager in Thomasville, NC (Jamie Stemple) and he couldn't find out anything.

Thru the first week of this nightmare, I made 2 trips to Virginia and visited both banks BOA manager (Rhonda Puryear), told me I don't have to tell you anything and refused to talk further. I went to BB&T Bank and talked with (Joan Thompson), she then referred me to (Diana Clark), who kept up with all business accounts, she explained that over night (Cheryl Tyler), had Placed a HOLD on our account and when she saw it the
next morning she removed the HOLD.

However it was too late BOA had also placed a HOLD on my account at their bank. I asked (Diana Clark), what does it mean when a HOLD is placed on an account and she stated well it's kind of like a game, the bank
that reaches out and grabs the most money, gets to keep it, I told her that this was no game and I wanted my money back.

A week later on Friday (Joan Thompson), the manager at BB&T Bank, called our home in North Carolina and told us not to worry, that they had a handle on the problem and
they would get it solved, to have a good weekend and she would call us on Monday. That call never came, at 11:30 am I called BB&T Bank but (Joan Thompson), was never again available.

The following week we started receiving notices from both banks, that we had 30 days to close our accounts and after that both banks refused to talk to us.

We hired an Attorney (Gary Hershner), who really wanted to take on this case, he had the Case for 3 years and never filed the MOTION FOR JUDGMENT IN COURT. He
got mad when I started marching in from of the banks and wanted off the case.

At that point I only had 8 days before the time
limitations would have ran out. Thru the legal Referral Service, they suggested attorney (Tom Coates), he listened and read most of the information and saw all the evidence that we had and immediately filed the case in court.

It has taken 3 years to get this to court. On April 11 a preliminary hearing was held in Hopewell Court and each side explained their opinion, the banks attorneys just wanted all 8 charges dropped because they felt time limitations had ran out and the judge stated as long as Mr. Brown was perusing his investigations, the limitations were not a concern.

In that hearing attorney (Jennifer Saradi), stated that BB&T Bank had placed a Hold on Mr. Browns account but BOA had his money. The judge promised us an answer to the charges within 4 to 6 weeks.

My lawyer made calls to the judge's office, (never received a return call), in January at my instance
(Tom Coates), sent a letter to the judge, his office never replied. My attorney contacted the Judicial Complaint Committee and filed a written complaint. The excuse by the judge was he let a student take the case home over the summer and when he returned the file
was never opened?

Another year wasted, however we did finally received a written answer to all charges and it was nothing like what was discussed in court.

We were scheduled for a second hearing with the same judge, June 27th 11:00 am due to my attorneys family illness that was postponed. Now rescheduled for Sept. 28 at 10:00 am, in Hopewell court.

This has been a real nightmare for my family and friends that tried to help keep the business open, on Feb. 14 we had no choice but to close Diamond mattress.

This has cost me the business, (2homes), (1) in Va. And (1) in NC, destroyed my credit, my
creditability, forced to file bankruptcy, lost (3) vehicles over the past 7 years and BB&T
Bank placed a Lien against my home in NC, against my wife who was not on any of the bank loans or the company checking accounts.

In Feb. 2007 we received from BB&T Bank a letter, stating that they had placed a lien against our personal property and asked the Sheriff to have a public sale and the stress caused both my wife and I medical problems
and my wife had a stroke in January

These Banks, still today (7years later), blame each other and I have not had the legal system, support me.
There are many others who have all types of complaints against these Banks.

JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED The public has the right to know!!

Company: BB&T Bank And Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Hopewell
Address: 2nd. Street
Phone: 8044588570
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