Mobile-Workforce101, Steve Jones, Susan King, Michael Barrington, Paul Terrance, C. Wilson, Etc
Scam, Promised to Certify me as a Laptop Distribution Agent for $199, it's been over 4 months and nothing but more requests for money, and now they are threatening me! Woodland Hills, CA

Internet & Web

In Feburary of this year I responded to an ad to become a Certified Laptop Distribution Agent with this company. I called the number and was told it could be done in 12 to 14 days after they recieved my money by Michael Barrington. He also said after I was Certified they would get me amy first batch of laptops with 120 days to pay for them. He stated the economic slowdown was NOT affecting this industry, people were still buying laptops. I sent the money order and started getting emails they called "Training Modules" (these can all be found on the internet free) I was told not to call them. Any corespondence would only be answered via email, and I was given a # to put in the subject line when I emailed them. Things went fine at first (I thought) then I stopped getting the "Training Modules".

When I emailed my "Trainer" Paul Terrence to ask why I wasn't getting any "Training Modules" my email was answered by Susan King. She said they were backed up due to the economic slowdown and to send $59 to expidite my Certification Aplication. I chose not to send any more money after their not following through with the original time frame. Still no more "Training Modules".

Last week I got an email from them saying the economic slowdown has caused a backup with the manufacturers and they would now be takeing 5 to 6 MORE months to get me the 120 days to pay for my first batch of laptops. But if I would send them $997 by 5-15 as a downpayment/release/ship fee they would get me a batch of laptops and I would have 60 days to pay them the balance (they didn't say how much the balance would be).

I wrote them an email explaining I don't have that much money and reminding them of the promises they had made to me both before and after I had sent my money.

They state on their web page and in several of the "Training Modules" that the economic slowdown is NOT affecting this industry and their associates are makeing BIG money selling these laptops. Yet they use the economy as an excuse whenever they are questioned about not following through on the promises they have made!

Here are the last couple emails I sent to them and recieved from them just today!

My email to them On Wed, May 13 at 10:58 AM,

I have sent a couple emails and received no response. You already know I am upset about how you have handled my affiliation with your business, but you don't seem to care.

Now we are at a point where I am really pissed off with how I have been treated. You should also know I taped my original phone call before I sent you my money, and I have saved every email I have sent to you or received from you, including all training modules.

The way I see things you have 3 choices on how you are going to handle this situation...

1. You will get me the product with 120 days to pay as promised.

2. You will refund my money.

3. I will file a scam/rip off report and contact the other person who has already filed one and I will start filling reports and claims against you with every business/agency I can find.

If I don't get a resolution to this within the next 7 days I will choose option 3.

I really hope you choose option 1, as I know I would be good at this and could make good money, I would settle for option 2, but wouldn't be very happy, and I really don't want to have to resort to option 3 but I will if you choose not to do the right thing by the people who trust you to do what you promise them you will.


On Thu, 5/14/09, peter michael wrote:

Hi... Well, bye, bye... I spoke to paul and steve, ANYONE that "get's sneaky" and "tapes" calls is automatically suspended for three months... ANY email that comes from you NOW goes into "spam"... Contact paul at end of summer... Thanks... Susan... P.S. B*tch... We saw your "negative" on the web... Thanks, but, since we are probably going out of business anyway, well, then...
F*ck you... Susan and kelly...

My Response On Wed, May 13 at 5:53 PM, wrote:

Well since I haven't put anything on the web about you YET you didn't see anything from me, there are things from other people out there though, and I always tape a first phone call to someone I don't know who wants me to send them money, I learned to cover my butt because I have been scammed by people like you too many times. That isn't considered sneaky unless you have something to hide. Obviously I did the right thing by taping the call and saving all the emails, now with this email I really have what I need to file all the claims against you. ANYONE who conducts a "business" email by calling people names and swearing at them deserves to go out of business. And to think this email was your first course of action, you didn't even try to talk to me or offer me any other promises before swearing at me and calling me names. This email will help me in so many ways against you. Obviously your "business" was just a scam to steal money from honest hardworking people trying to find a legitimate way to make extra income. I will get my money back from you, even if I have to spend money to do it. I will make it my Priority to do so now. Along with that I will also make it my second priority to do everything I can to help you go out of business. I will be filling every claim I can with every agency I can. I will use your business name and also the names of everyone involved in any of the emails I have recieved from your scam business.

Thank You for the extra ammunition you provided in this email!

On Thu, 5/14/09, peter michael wrote:

We will report you too... IF you keep f*cking with us... And, stop calling susan and kelly and making physical threats... Or, was that you husband? If you do not IMMEDIATELY cease "hassling" us, WE WILL REPORT YOU TOO! We have ways to do so too... Once again (last time) bye bye... Any more email to us from you will GO TO SPAM AND BE REPORTED AS A THREAT... Steve CEO

It's obvious to me that they don't even bother to make sure who is emailing them before they fire off emails full of cussing and name calling!!! And a "Threat"??? Because I said I would file rip off reports? Or file with other agencies? That is my right here in the USA, and it's what those agencies are there for, people who have been ripped off!

For one I have ever only placed one call to them, back in Fecruary before I sent my money (I can prove it with my phone records), and for two I am not married (I can prove it!), for three I don't think wanting my money back from scammers is hassling, it was 2 or 3 emails, and fourth I have never made any physical threats to anyone affiliated with their company (or anyone else) by phone or email. The only thing I have done that might be taken as a threat was saying I would file a rip off report and file various reports with various agencies if I didn't get what they promised or my money back. That to me is everyones right as a consumer who feels they didn't get what they paid for.

The people who are behind this company want us to think they have power over us because we sent them our money, but the truth is they have no power, only our money. We have the power, and if enough of us get fed up enough and take a stand we can win this fight and get our money back.

Company: Mobile-Workforce101, Steve Jones, Susan King, Michael Barrington, Paul Terrance, C. Wilson, Etc
Country: USA
Phone: 8184451324
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Mobile Workforce 101
Michael Barrington, Susan King, Paul Terrance, Steve Jones Mobile-Workforce 101 scammed me out of a lot of money

Mobileworkforce 101 - Michael Barrington, Peter Michael
Mobileworkforce 101 - Michael Barrington = Peter Michael Promises of being a certified laptop distribution agent, $279.00 later they deliver... Nothing

Mobile-Workforce 101
This company promised to certify me as a laptop distribution agent in a few weeks for $279.00 dlls, but it's been five months and now they want more mone to "expedite" the training

Mobile-Workforce 101
Michael Barrington, Susan King, Paul Terrance, Steve Jones, C. Wilson (who Signed For The Money Order For Delivery Confirmation) They scammed me out of $279.00 & refuse to refund or answer my emails or calls
Pathetic excuse for a business

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