Company is billing me and I cannot call, write or email them. No way to contact them!

Internet & Web

I cancelled my newsreader service to nuthinbutnews in early December. I received a confirmation for cancellation right away that my account would expire on 12/29. On 12/29 I get an email that they are sorry I cancelled my account and a link to sign up again. The next day I get another email that my account will now expire on 1/28/08. I go to the website to protest and there is no phone number, no address and to be able to get to the support page you need a LOGIN account which I NO LONGER have!

I called my credit card company and they gave me a phone number that is supposedly to this so-called company and the number is bogus, of course. The only thing I know about this company is it is from North Dakota judging from the area code of the phone number that shows up on my credit card statement (that number doesn't work either, takes you to a voicemail system where you can't leave a message).

My hands are tied with no way to contact these crooks.

Country: USA
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Lingo won't cancel, and even when they say they do they will continue to charge you

Voicemail Direct USA
Activated an account in my name without my consent and tried to convince me that I had signed up

BEWARE—Cancel Membership does not mean they cancel consumer ripoff Internet
SCAM - said 2 month try-it acct, but kept charging my credit card

Unauthorized account charge!

Your Savings Club
Charges $1.00 per month to my bank account - UNAUTHORIZED! P.O. Box 5152
Patrick Stauber RIPOFF! All the information that I paid for was available for free on the internet now I can't get a refund or login. / Peoria

Unauthorized Credit Card Charges Ripoff

Truecredit ripoff Internet

Low Pay, Inc
LowpayCard, Inc took money out of my bank account, are still trying to take money out of my checking