Rip-off billing error will not correct

Internet & Web

I was an AOL member until 02/28/03. For the last 3 months that I used the service I was using it for FREE. They waived the monthly fee.

Back in November I had changed my plan to the lite usage plan, but later that day or the same week, I do not remember I was advised by one of their consultants to go back to the plan that I had before 23.95 per month (unlimited use) so I did that.

Days later I called and cancelled the service that is when the service was given to me free. Today when I got my bank statement I saw there was a debit for 63.73 When I call the billing department the person that I spoke with told me that this was because I had got on the 4.95 plan with only a certain number of hours authrized.

To make a long story short, when I go back and try to access the emails that I got from them doing the confirmation of my changes, I can't find my folders. And they are still sending me emails about price changes.
I am no longer a member anymore. I do not know why they still are doing this. I need help. I need that money back in my account.

I am a disabled person and I am living on only a certain percent of my normal income. If I can get help from somebody I will appreciate it. Thanks.

Company: Aol
Country: USA
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"system" does not allow for things they verbally promise

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