Nationwide Voice
Charged my phone company for servies I didn't orde

Internet & Web

I received my telephone bill this month and I was charged a long distance coverage charge. I don't long distance with anyone. I cancelled it with my telephone company because I use my cell phone for long distance. It was charged thru Integretel Inc. To my telephone company. I called the phone company and they took the charge off my bill but said that it would problem be charged again next month until we can find a telephone number to this company to cancel the services. They looked in there records and could not fine anything on this company. They said it problem came thru the internet when I was using it if I typed my telephone number on anything. The only thing I have don't on the internet is go on a coupon website and on it I had to give my name, address, and telephone number.

Please help me if at all possible. Windstream is my telephone company they know that I am filing this report and will be trying to help me locate this company.

Company: Nationwide Voice
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Dawsonville
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