Process Refunds
Bad Software and No Help Bradenton Flordia

Internet & Web

This letter explains my dilemma and how I have tried to solve it. This email was sent to my State Senator.

Thank you for talking with me today about my problem. Recently I purchased a software product online. I'm including links in this email and you can see that they have a phone number and an email address so they can be contacted if you are experiencing any problems. If you go the the manual (link included) and read the first page they offer help. I have tried on numerous occasions to send them emails and the address does not work. If you call the phone number (559) 961 - 4029 Then you get a answer machine and it says to leave a message and they will contact you.

I have not gotten any response while trying both of these options since last July when I purchased the software. The manual and the software says that it is copyrighted, so I contacted the US copyright office in Washington DC, to see if they could give me contact information so I could correct this on my own. They told me that just because it says that if is copyrighted, does not mean that it is registered in the copyright office. They have no record of a copyright in this name. I have several clients that I have signed up to offer them this service and I have signed contracts which is provided in the manual. At this time I'm not able to honor the contracts. (Very Disturbing)

There seems to be a glitch in the software and it will not complete the whole process. Solution I would like to happen is for someone to contact me from tech support and walk me through the process like they promise in the manual. Again Ashley I really do appreciate any help that you can provide.

If you need any more information please contact at my email address (REDACTED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES) or my phone number @ xxx-xxx-xxxx. I did purchase this product and paid with it by Paypal. I contacted them and they did say that this company was located in the USA, but do to company policy they would not give me any contact information. They did say they had the information, but would not release it to me. Maybe your office will have better luck.

Fort Scott, Kansas

Company: Process Refunds
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 603 N. Point Dr1235
Phone: 5599614029
  <     >  


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