Could NOT talk to live person, lost $144.00 for NOTHING. Terrible customer service internet

Internet & Web

I got a referral through a friend, thought they would be worth a shot. I initially signed up for the "FREE" domain name registration, not realizing that I had signed myself up for three years of web-hosting. ($250 worth) I apparently do not know how to read — or the way they place their TOTAL amount due when you sign up is misleading. The whole company is misleading. I never noticed how much I spent until I looked at my bank statement and saw how much they charged my check card. (Not to mention they hit you with "international fees" — so who knows where this operation is out of. Be sure to check your bank statements)

When I tried to call and get a "LIVE" person — the phone just keeps going to voicemail no matter how many times you call or what time of day it is! I was frustrated for about 48 hours. Even the live chat people wouldn't help me. They kept telling me to create a ticket to the billing department. They were pains in the asses... What did they care — they had my money.

So—I decided to CANCEL my account with them after only 3 days. They hit me with around $75.00 worth of cancellation fees. That's where they screw you. I called my credit union and had them do a dispute of charges... But it didn't pan out because when I cancelled — they refunded me $114.00 — so the dispute was void. I contemplated filing a complaint with my State's District Attorney — but felt that it would probably get ingnored since it was a small amount of money.

AVOID this company... Do not use them. Terrible customer service and they are SCAM artists.

Readfield, Maine

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
City: Nationwide: 414608
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SiteGround Web Hosting
Automatic Renewal

Flagship Merchant Service
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Work from home, discount merch, financial place, unathourized credit card charges
Stay Away!