AOL Internet Company
Will say anything to get you to signup for the "free" service. Beware, AOL is not that generous. They will never let you go! Nationwide

Internet & Web

I had a similar rotten experience with AOL regarding the "free" month of service. I signed up using one of the MANY CD's I get in the mail some time ago. I think the offer was free for 30 days, if I remember right. Well, I cancelled within the 30 day offer. I was VERY dissatisfied with AOL internet, why anyone would want to pay for that service is beyond me. Anyway, I called and canceled. Removed the software off my computer, never used the service again or gave it another thought. A couple weeks later, I get a bank statement informing me that I have NSF charges.

For some crazy reason I had given these people my Debit card number when I signed up, why I don't know. Temporary insanity, I suppose. Well, yep, they were charging me for my UPCOMING monthly fee. I did not even have the software on my compute anymore and I had called and cancelled.

We were on a very tight budget at the time, so when I put money in the bank, it was to pay a bill! So when they took out thier monthly fee it caused another incoming check to bounce. I call them up and explain all this to them, they have no record of me calling to cancel. Figures, after much complaining I was a promised that I would not be charged again and they would send me a check for the fee they charged me - they would NOT include NSF charges, that was my fault I did not keep a load of money in the bank in case someone with acess to my debit card number decides to try to rip me off. So, time goes by, i forget about it. Another notice from the bank. AOL has drafted thier fee AGAIN, the bank has taken out NSF fees, NSF fee causes incoming checks to start bouncing. I am in big trouble. I call the bank and explain what is going on, the only thing they can suggest is I cancel my debit card! I call AOL, no record of me ever calling to cancel. I go off. Do these people think I am making this up? I do not even use the service, why would I not have called to cancel? ESPECIALLY after the first time I got stuck with NSF fees because of them. UGH! Anyway, they did eventually send me a check for the 2 motnhs they charged me (they did admit that records showed I was NOT using the service) so I got stuck losing about 60.00 in all for a "free" month of AOL. Lesson learned though and I hope people read this and are very careful next time someone asks for a credit or debit card number for something "free". Oh and BTW; AOL's service sucks, it wouldn't even be worth it IF it was free.

Company: AOL Internet Company
Country: USA
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