Stay Away!

Traveling & Tourism

I almost want to say "you get what you pay for" but in my case, I have paid... At least twice. And I'm getting absolute crap service.

On November 23rd, I booked one roundtrip ticket to Brisbane, Australia, from Los Angeles. The total amount due was 1772.72, which I paid with my debit card. It was charged once, and reflected in my balance immediately as ONE pending transaction. Fast forward a few days, I woke up this morning to a checking account that is 1500 overdrawn (not even including a couple of transactions that aren't showing yet and fees that will no doubt happen soon), and when I went to look, I noticed that there are TWO identical charges for 1772.72. I called my bank, and they said that the charges have been run through a total of three times (one on the 23rd, and twice on the 28th) and that I should call the merchant and. So I immediately called customer service... And after 20 minutes on hold, spoke to someone who told me I needed to talk to the "concerns department" and after 20 more minutes on hold, I spoke to someone who said I need to talk to someone in billing, and after 15 minutes on hold, I spoke to someone else who said I need to talk to the concerns department, but that they wouldn't be available for another two hours, so they would have to call me back. I tried the online chat, I tried emailing, no one is helping me. They all keep telling me the same two things: 1) that according to their records, I was only charged once and 2) that I need to speak to someone else.

Ok, first of all - I am looking RIGHT AT both charges, I'm not crazy. One guy said that I was charged 1752.72 and 20.00 separately, but again, I'm looking right at it, that is not what has happened. I don't appreciate being treated like I'm just making this up for attention or a scam or something.

And second of all - I feel like I'm not really getting sent to different "departments" at all. For as helpful as these people were, they could've been passing the phone to the freaking janitor. I used to work in customer service, and yes it sucks, yes people are angry, and yes a lot of times people call in with * mistakes they've made. But it's your job. And treating me like a non-factor when this is clearly a mistake on the part of your company isn't helping anybody.

Maybe this kind of money isn't a big deal to a some people, but it is a HUGE deal to me. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be looking around on * scammy horrible websites to try and save a couple of hundred bucks. I need this fixed. I have other things to do with my money besides pay one company two times for ONE airline reservation. I was excited about the price, but it's not worth it if they're just gonna screw me over like this.

Country: USA
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Double Charged - Booking number 9493274

SunTrust Bank
Horrible customer service

Bank Of America
Took money, then ripped me off, taking several overdraft fees from my account Los Angeles, California

SunTrust Bank
Awful bank transaction

Walmart Money Card
Ge Moneybank, Green Dot Corp Walmart Money Card not cooperative in disputing transactions, Golden Casino,, New Golden Casino,
Gc double charged my credit card 425.00 twice for a total of $850.00 and won't return the money

Time Warner Cable
Horrible customer service and billing department

Time Warner Cable
Horrible customer service and billing

Why do they have a so called "Customer Service Department" if they hang up on you 6 times?

Washington Mutual
Bad service