Blizzard / Activision Blizzard / World Of Warcraft / Game Master Cerrivain
Blizzard / ActivisionBlizzard / World Of Warcraft / Game Master CerrivainBlizzard / ripped me off, ruined my reputation and humiliated me

Internet & Web

I will make it short. I always loved Blizzard and all their games (Diablo 1, StarCraft, Diablo II, Warcraft II, Warcraft III, World of Warcraft). But the situation I lived was unacceptable and I will not tolerate getting humiliated like this publicly. As you can see, my report is serious enough for me to register and publish this story

Two weeks ago, I was asked to make an item for a player. The player gives me the material and I promptly start working on it. The player has a part of the item wrong (you use items to make other items, she didn't have correct item). She asks me to send what I did so far and I say I will buy the missing item on the Auction House. She agrees.

She whispers me once but I am in an instance, on a boss, unable to reply. I try to contact her a few times but she's offline.

I finally finish her item when I learnt she posted negative information on a forum, calling me a scammer, which is already an insult.

Understand this: the item she asked me to make was worth 100g. I have a mount worth 20,000g and over 100,000 g on my account. I would NEVER scam her especially for so little. I regularly (on a daily basis) make items worth 100,500, 1000 or even 2,000gold and the transactions ALWAYS go right.

When I confront her online, she completly flip out at me. I ask for the post on forums to be removed and for an apology to be posted for the harm to my reputation, in exchange of what I will give her item. Sorry, but I should give her the item AND look like the bad guy?

She insults me for a while, tell me threats and log off. I take a GM ticket explaining the situation (which is promptly ignored) and keep playing.

Two weeks later, I receive a letter from game mater Cerrivain that my account is suspended for 48h. There are no explanations, no details, barely generic text saying I was banned for "Not honoring my part of the contract".


This lady destroys my reputations, insult me many and the game master calls me a SCAMMER??? I'm a very legit player and I do tons of tranasctions and NEVER have problem.

This is a complete insult. I reply to the e-mail — which is promptly ignored — and I take a GM ticket. After 8 hours, it is still being in queue. I never get information from that neither.

This is a complete insult to me. Blizzard sides with a lady that destroyed my name and reputation, Blizzard insulst and humiliate me with fakes accusations and ignores me subsequently. Game master Cerrivain is the less responsive and most idiotic GMs I've ever talked to and I face A LOT of Game masters. Again, I feel completely insulted. This is not acceptable. I am seriously considering leaving the game — I doubt they care, I'm 1/15,000, 000. I have never felt so insulted before.

To those who say it's nothing: it's not about the 48h, or the fact I paid 15$ to play the game this month. It's about the principles. What if police came to you and put you to jail 48h without explanations or even listening to you? What if they called you names and scammer when you did nothing? That's how I feel. That's the way they treated me. I am very serious in my steps. A link to this report will be sent to every and I can find. This might be the only weapon I have until I get a decent response. All I want is an apology and a removal of the strike and false accusation. I don't think I'm asking for too much.

Montral, Quebec

Company: Blizzard / Activision Blizzard / World Of Warcraft / Game Master Cerrivain
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
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