Media Mogul Me
FRAUD and THEFT - Will not return stolen money!

Internet & Web has fraudulently withdrew money from my debit account and has refused to reimburse the stolen funds.

Someone got ahold of my debit card number and ran up lots of charges, with about 30 companies. All the companies have returned the money EXCEPT this one.

Every time I call the 800 number listed for the company - they claim the "supervisor" is in a meeting and cannot talk to me. They have lied several times - telling me the "investigation" into my claims would be finished in 2 days, and then 3-5 days, and now 10-15 days. Customer service also refuses to give me a number to contact their corporate offices.

This online "company" claims to be located in Florida - but its more likely that they are offshore.

DO NOT do business with this company. It is a fraud. And watch your bank accounts. These people are criminals who have stole money from me, when I NEVER even contacted then and have never heard of this company before this incident.

I am still waiting to be reimbursed by them.

Company: Media Mogul Me
Country: USA
Phone: 8004790979
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