BlueHippo Capital, LLC
Blue Hippo stole my money, they didn't sent the product I bought

Internet & Web

I called Blue Hippo on May 30, I decided to go ahead with the purchase of a laptop for $1,943.00 which included free gifts (color printer, digital camera, an English course, microsoft office, computer games for children, $320.00 cash back and a $200 gas gift card) and I agreed to give a down payment of $124.00 on June 10 and after that I would pay $69.98 biweekly. They told me that after the 7th payment, they would ship the laptop, and the free gifts after I paid the entire debt.

I completed my 7th payment on September 19th and as of today (Dec. 23) I haven't got the product yet.

Calling customer service is a nightmare, they never answer and when they do, you have to be on hold for over 40 minutes. I have been able to talk to the Spanish customer representatives, but not the English one, all they have is a recording of a customer rep. Talking to a "customer" answering frequent question.

In the middle of November I called the Spanish number to ask about the status of my order and they told me that the laptop was on its way, that I would get it soon.

On Dec. 1st, I was already worried since that laptop was the Christmas gift for my son, and the lady told me that the system shows that the order was being processed and that they would ship it soon... SOOOOO!!! They LIED TO ME??? How come the computer was on its way on November and 2 weeks later it' ready to be shipped???

That really pissed me off and that's when I started to look on the internet (yes, I know... Something that I should have done before buying it!), and I found that everything is a scam, they do send the products, like after a year, but the product that you buy from them is not even worth half the price you're paying.

On Dec. 8th I called again, and the lady told me to wait 10 business days because my laptop was shipped that day, well, today is Dec. 23 and I still don't have anything.

Yesterday I called one more time, and guess what??? They told me to wait 10 BUSINESS DAYS... AGAIN???

I already paid $1,033.74 and I am really upset. I want my money back, but again, they don't refund my money, and if I don't pay everything, it will show on my credit report.

I don't care about the laptop anymore, all I want is my money back. For Godsake, we are not taking about $50!!! I'm taking about over a THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! What do I do now??? Please help!!!

Company: BlueHippo Capital, LLC
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Vienna
Address: 8000 Towers Crescent Drive 13th Floor
Phone: 8007784018
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