Fraudulent practices

Internet & Web

I ordered Verizon 3 MPS DSL. The mailer said 1st 6 months free and second 21.95 with year contract for new customers. I have written 11 e-mails, visited local office, and been on phone 12 times. I got two bills for 74.56 each. This was a mistake. I mailed copy of flier to them. When you call they give you to someone in Nigeria who barely speaks English and reads from a script. Ask a question and they say wait let me finish and they lose place and re-read script. You tell them problem and they say we do not handle that and transfer you to billing. If you get through as 9 out of ten times you get hung up on after 20 minutes, you reach sales where you explain problem after they pitch phones and TV. They then apologize and say they have to transfer you and you get disconnected.

Now being 2nd month and they threaten to turn off (They have cell phone number and cannot turn off as they are as dumb as they sound) I gave 1 more chance and they did same thing. Tomorrow i am going to Comcast who i should have never left and for leaving Verizon will get the 14-15MPS for 29.95 a month for 6 months. They have no tech support, anyone who can help you, or know which way is up. Since they have no SS number my credit will not be affected but what a pain. I am 6th person to go back to Comcast. Verizon is a rip off. They have no specials and when you get wrong bill no one can help. Stay away.

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
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