Avoid this Shopping Cart or Get Ripped Off After Inconvenience and Bad Service Internet

Internet & Web

This shopping cart used to be great! But with success they have forgotten about servicing their customers. When we started off the service was $349/yr - in 2002 and in 2008 they charged us $599/year.

They renewed us on 9/18/08. On 11/3 we were not able to download our orders because 1Shoppingcart had "upgraded" their system. After 2 calls to customer service (who has time for this?!!) I learned that orders now must be put into cue. Then we must wait for an email telling us the orders are in cue and THEN we can go back and down load. Previously we could get the order data in 1-2 minutes. But to get from cue takes about 45 minutes.

Then, the download is no longer in a form that we can save. It is a 3 foot wide Excel spread sheet. After 3 more calls and 2 more trials at downloading and cueing - 45 min each - we were STILL struggling with getting our TWO orders to process and ship.

When we FINALLY got the orders, the next problem was that the credit card numbers were incorrect!!! We didn't know this until processing the orders and attempting to bill them through our card machine. More calls to the unhelpful staff at 1shoppingcart who had just charged us $599!!! I was told to get a tech!!!

Instead I called the customers to get the correct card numbers. This crappy service is not anything that we would agree to pay $599 for. So we had to spend hours and hours and hours removing all of our 90 some odd products from 1shoppingcart to another service.

Then we calling to cancel this bad, nonfunctional service I was told that there "terms clearly stated that we get only 50% refund"!!! So, even though the service was non-functional, we were charged $299.50. This is outrageous.

Avoid this bad company that gives bad services, wastes customers times, cheats customers. These folks are BAD NEWS and a RIP-OFF.

Company: 1ShoppingCart.com
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 70579219612226
Site: 1shoppingcart.com
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