Dedicated Media
The Ultimate Advertising Ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I purchased advertising through Dedicated Media after hearing their reps. Explain how they could produce what others could not. What started out as 48 hrs. To get started turned into 3 weeks to get started.

Next, the customers started to show up at my web site. The only problem, those customers were not less than 24 hours I received 500 customers to my site. When I contacted those customers, 40% of the ph. Numbers were incorrect. Most of the rest of them didn't know anything about my web site and indeed told me they never went to my site at all.

Many of the ph. Numbers went to the same answering service telling me to start the fax even though they all had different ph. Numbers.

When I complained to Dedicated Media about this they said they were having trouble getting me the traffic they wanted so they simply put me in some real cheap traffic to get the thing moving.

In addition, they told me thy understood my frustration and would give me a refund of the 2500.00 we paid them. The only problem was, they told me I would have to put all of those customers into a spread sheet with an explanation of each one of them. (this should only take about a week.)

Now, after many conversations with them, they don't want to return any of our money. This company is a total scam in my opinion.

Now I understand why they don't take credit card orders, they can't produce what they say and if you pay with cash you have no means of recovering your money.

Company: Dedicated Media
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Segundo
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