MAGIC JACK Computer phone calling system

Internet & Web

After watching an add on TV about Magic Jack. A device that allows you to call anywhere in the U.S. For the one price of 39 dollars for the first year and 20 dollars a year after that. I ordered one and added the extra money for a fast three day delivery. It's been nine days and no MAGIC JACK in sight. I attempted to contact the company. But there is no way of doing that, not that I have found. When you call the ordering number. It's just an electronic voice. And on thier web site you can't make contact unless you have a magic jack phone number. So far they haven't charged my credit card and I'm hoping that it will come in. But thats doughtful.

Company: Sam
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lancaster
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Magic jack - magic jack

Magic Jack
Magic Jack is Worthless

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Bad Review for Magic Jack Scam - magic jack phone

Magic Jack
Always unavailable. - magic jack phone service

Magic Jack
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Magic Jack
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Magic Jack
Magic jack

Magic Jack
Magic Jack doesn't work with satellite internet

Magic Jack
Absolutely terrible - Allof the above

Magic Jack
Love magic jack, BUT - Magic jack