SEF Publishers Market
This company ripped off 189.99 out of my ATM on August 21

Internet & Web

On August 29th there was a withdrawl taken out of my checking account. According to the bank, it was taken out by using my ATM account. The only information the bank has is - 62131SEF Publishers MKT. SER Bradenton. This occurred at 9:37 A.M. And at a time when I was no even on my computer. I called my bank and they said it was up to me to find this place and request my money back. There is nothing on the internet about this place and the only Publishers Market in Bradenton is a book publishing place. I have not published a book nor have I ever contacted any company about this.

According to my bank, unless I get something in the mail for my money, there is nothing they can do to get my money back. I thought you could file a fraudulent report but they said I authorized this or it would not have been taken out. I was not even on my computer that day.

Marinette, Wisconsin

Company: SEF Publishers Market
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Bradenton
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I thought I was still filling out information for Publishers Clearinghouse

SEF Publishers Market
Withdraws 189.99 using my ATM number, NOT Authorized

SEF Publishers Marketing, Judy NYE
SEF Publisher Marketing, Publishers Marketing Bradenton Florida JUDY NYE The Epitome of a True Telemarketing Scammer and Seems to be Invisible and needs to be caught

Unite publishers of america
The company continued to debit my checking account after i told them to stop., in the amount of 64.78

Southeastern Family Publishers, Inc
Charged unauthorized $138 to Credit card bank reimbursed me now be threatened with legal action from this company

Ripped off my checking account

MOS Magazines
How to get some money back from these con artists

Worldwide Preffered Publishers - "MAGAZINES 800-830-7753 CA"
Fraudulent scam artists

Publishers Clearing House
You are the third place winner in a martha stewart constest Noble House Publishers
Ripoff enter a contest get published without your knowledge or permission London, UK, New York