Super Continental US
False advertising, lied, scamed and did not deliver=stole 50$ from a 11-year old custumer? Who Knows, Us And Hong Kong?

Internet & Web

Exactly like discribed here happend to our son, but even worse, way worse. They lied and failed to deliver as promised, both with their false advertising but must of all, the lies.

When they did (they claim) deliver he were on summer holiday for four weeks. So, not there (online in the game), to collect all the gold you paid for, delivered in the game, without any notice? Over 7 days late after many lies and hours/days chatting to support? Sorry! Nothing. He sits here and wonder whats wrong with the world. This is a fortune to him.

We will write more later but tired after 3 hour of support from a scam company with many many young people as customers. Unbeliveble. He had our support. Please be careful. They even refused to give us a name on someone higher in the orginisation that we could send a copy of all this to. We made copy paste on all this crazy conversation we had with their support.

We will post an example;

Mrs alexandra

Company: Super Continental US
Country: USA
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Fun Servers Hosting Services
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Super Continental US - Wowmine
Ripoff did not deliver lied false advertising

Orlando Better Business Bureau
Refused to help resolved complaints & puts false information on companies record ripoff

Do not use this service!
Their live customer support is NEVER online
SCAM, They stole my money

Koala Credits Ltd Ripoff. Fraudulent. Lies., SAR

Does not deliver what they promise

Omnitech Support
Promissed, didn't deliver, lied

Super Continental USA I purchased an amount of world of warcraft gold and was jerked around for a week