Verizon DSL Internet
Verizon Online's sales agents lie about the price New York City New York

Internet & Web

I was calling to change my long distance calling plan one day when the representative suggested I get Verizon's DSL long distance. I've had dial up service for years and inquired several times about replacing dial-up. Their slimy saleswoman said it's available in my area for $6.95 per month. It did sound too good to be true, but how can I argue with a good value? Turns out when I got the bill about 2 months later, I was being charged $14.95 per month. Still a good value, but why lie? Once a company lies to me, they lose all their credibility. I immediately cancelled my long distance phone service with them (they neglected to tell me about a $3.50 monthly charge whether you use long distance or not) and the DSL which was supposed to be installed free, I was charged $19.95 for "shipping and delivery" which I was not apprised of when I ordered the service. When I called up to complain about these eggregious charges, I was told it was my fault for not checking my e-mail explaining the charges when I ordered it (I never received an e-mail about the charges). The person you're complaining to just says: "No, no, no." Verizon is a very slimy company and I would never, EVER recommend them to anyone. They are just as bad, if not worse than the cable companies everyone hates. $14.95 is not bad for DSL to replace dial-up, but Verizon's salespeople would sell their children to make a sale, and they play fast and loose with the facts. I also switched my long distance to a no-name company called Pioneer, and went back to dial-up Juno which I recommend.

Company: Verizon DSL Internet
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: P.O. Box 1100
Phone: 7188901550
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