Online Supplier
Ripped me off unauthorized monthly charges on my credit card Basseterre

Internet & Web

I have just discovered today that Online Supplier has been charging a credit card of mine $29.95 per month since April. My situation is the same as most of the other posts on this company. I responded to an offer for a free information package, needing only to pay the postage. I never saw anything about any 14 day or 30 day or whatever trial then paying month to month fee for something. I was only requesting info. I have contacted Wells Fargo and they are going to attempt to retrieve the money.

One issue is that when you go to Online Supplier's current website, it is different now than it was two years ago. From there current website it is apparent that someone is committing to a trial offer which they are responsible for, whereas before there was nothing like that (I assume the trial offer and fee thing was buried in some terms and conditions behind a link).
Hopefully this can be resolved with through Wells Fargos Discrepancy dept. I'll let everyone know.

P.S. I know I am an idiot for not noticing a reoccurring charge for over two years.:)

Company: Online Supplier
Country: South America
Phone: 8008319352
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