Gateway Computers
Customer pays when refuses to commit fraud for Gateway

Internet & Web

On or about 3/27 I purchased a laptop computer from Gateway phone sales department after a lengthy conversation and chat session with the salesman.
On 04/01 I received the package by UPS. I immediately expressed my concerns over the damage to the exterior of the box to the UPS Driver. The driver acted as if I could not refuse the package but I insisted he note the damaged box. The driver agreed and said he will let UPS know of the damage.
I then immediately called Gateway Customer Service as I didnt know what to do at this point (I did not open the package). I informed customer service of the following:

1. I asked my salesman to send me a transcript of our chat session to prove my conversation and warranty information and that I did not receive anything until the Laptop was shipped and I want some sort of proof of my warranty.
2. I explained the damaged box and my concerns because of the extent of the damage.

At this time Customer Service said I will receive confirmation of my warranty within a few days via the postal service (which I did receive on 04/05) and she went on to explain to me about my warranty in detail. The only problem we had at this point was the battery warranty. Thats when I purchased a Four (4) year extended battery warranty for $79.00. I placed the order on 04/01 but the charge did not appear on the card until 04/03.

Then Customer Service told me to open the box. This was a very large shipping box, inside contained another box which I will call the gateway box. The gateway box was on the opposite end of the damage area on the shipping box. The entire box also had stuffing completely protecting its contents. The Gateway Box was in pristine condition and showed no signs of any sort of damage, not one scratch. At this time Customer Service said since I see no damage to the Gateway Box then she will let me go and to go ahead and open the gateway box and if I find any damage to the laptop to give them a call back. At this time she ended the phone call.

I then opened the gateway box and found yet another box; I will call the laptop box. The laptop box was also in perfect condition with no signs of damage. I then opened the laptop box and found the laptop in a bag and secured by about a 2 inch foam rubber surrounding the laptop. Once I opened the laptop lid I immediately found the left touchpad button smashed in to the point you can see the interior of the laptop. I turned on the laptop while waiting on hold for Customer Service with Gateway. While trying to use the left touchpad button I found it would barely work and sporadically at best. I also found the fingerprint scanner butting up to the right of the button also had difficulty working.
Gateway Customer Service finally came on the phone after a long hold time. I explained about the button and was told this was damaged by UPS. I immediately told the customer service rep that it was impossible to have been damaged by the shipper and explained why, again.
1. The laptop was box in 3 separate boxes.
2. The laptop was on the opposite end of the damaged shipping box.
3. The shipping box contained tons of packing material to protect the laptop.
4. The laptop itself was surrounded by 2 inches of foam.
5. The laptop touchpad button is located under the lid and it is IMPOSSIBLE for it to be damaged unless the lid is opened.
I said I understand products leave the manufacturing centers and sometimes are flawed and asked for a replacement immediately. I was then told, again, that this product was damaged by the shipper and it was explained to me about the procedure Gateway uses to investigate the matter. I was also told this investigation could take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks and in the mean time they cannot replace the laptop. I reminded them of the return policy states for ANY reason I can return the laptop within 14 days for a full refund, and the rep responded not in this case as it was damaged by the shipper. I tried to argue but was getting nowhere. He then went on to say that I will be contacted first thing on 04/02 about this problem by another department.
I told him I will not accept a replacement at this time since it will take so long and expect a full refund immediately. He refused and told me to expect a call tomorrow. He ended our phone conversation, rudely.
On 04/02 I waited for my phone call and finally decided that since no one has called and the morning was almost over that I better call Gateway myself. After being transferred several times in the end they again explained the product was damaged by the shipper, regardless of the location of the damage and me arguing with them, and said I will hear back from them in a couple of days.
Since this is unacceptable to me I immediately found the corporate phone number in California and called them. I finally reach someone in the Escalations Department and was told sorry, I cannot do anything until UPS denies the claim and then I could get you a refund. I explained that having to wait 3 to 4 weeks is unacceptable and she agreed but said it usually does not take that long to get things worked out. I explained I will be disputing these charges with my card issuer if im not given a refund by the end of the week. She went on to say she will contact me within a few days after the investigation and needs to go tend to other things with the company. I explained my concerns about the company and how I will never do business with them again. I also told them that leaving a customer who just spent $3000.00 hanging for 3 to 4 weeks for a damaged laptop, no fault of their own, is ridiculous to say the least. She said she was sorry I feel this way but this was policy.
To file a claim with UPS over damages to a laptop is simply nothing but fraud. How can a company, knowingly, file a claim with UPS over damages that are IMPOSSIBLE to occur during shipment since the damage is to the touch pad left button?

The Escalations Department Representative is Sheena - #658 phone number 254-298-4948. As of 04/13 I havent heard anything back from Gateway.

Company: Gateway Computers
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
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