Inovative Merchant Soultions
An Intuit Company I was begged to join the company, made is sound so appealing. I was told by the recruiter the company was so excited i accepted the position. Calabasas, CA 91302

Internet & Web

My current title is Fraud Analyst, I took a position as fraud investigator, and The Company had just established a training program. The person that was training me had no experience at all training (NONE). She was the worst person to deal with.

If you would question any part of the training she would get enraged. Again I have previous experience in this field. I noticed some of the information she was delivering was incorrect it was my duty as a decent human to inform her and the other people being trained. I did not want the company to get sued. Also I wanted to make sure we would give the clients the correct information.

She had expressed her filling about her supervisor they were all idiots. Even the person that founded the company, (Joe Kaplan) in her eyes was nobody. I could not believe what I was hearing. How could a large company put such a person in a volatile position?
I went home nightly complaining to my new wife who happen to work for the District attorneys office. But I had turned down another position so I was stuck until I got calls from other companies

It was like being a catholic school; well this torment went on for as long as I could take it. On the last week of training I had enough I went to the training development manager and his assistant. I explained my experience before coming to work for this awful company. I expressed I could not work under these conditions, they expressed concern, this training department was new they did not realize this person was like this. She was placed in this position by someone else she was not their choice. Ask me to stay with the company while they look into my complaint.

The very Next day, the very next day an investigator for the corporate office come to interview me for sexual harassment (she was interviewing me while eating a triple cheese burger) a true professional!

I explained to her I was not falling for this; It was viscous what was going on. As I had just complained. Little did they know I was taking notes on the very unprofessional trainer, I had seen the writing on the wall. I did not answer any question, because these where false accusations. I filled with the California EEOC. I got a right to sue letter form them.

If you are thinking of leaving your company to go to work for this company watch out. The time I was there all I heard was complaints for the workers

Company: Inovative Merchant Soultions
Country: USA
State: California
City: Calabasas
Address: 26520 Agoura Rd
Phone: 8188717800
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