Ever Private Card
This company has wrecked my life

Internet & Web

This company piggybacked up to another website I was using and got my information that way. When they took the money from my account ($54 and change) it caused several things to overdraft my checking account. Causing several hundred dollars in overdraft fees. I still haven't recieved any reponse from this company except their promise to repay. Ha! That is as likely as me sprouting wings and flying to the moon.

I'm a single mom and work two jobs soon to be four jobs just to make ends meat, so when this happened it through my very strict budget all out of wack, now I am facing forcloser on my home because this company has cost me well over three hundred dollars that I didn't have.

Company: Ever Private Card
Country: USA
Site: contacteverprivate.com
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Us Bank
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Overdraft fees

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