Ultimate DVD Shop
Tv addicts rip off artists! Theives! Florida

Internet & Web

In early August of this year I ordered a dvd collection for $127.07. Within an hour of ordering I realized that there was something fishy about the order and so I emailed them and asked them to cancel the order. At first they seemed to ignore me, emailing me back with shipping alerts and product updates. After about 7 emails and a lot of unanswered phone calls I manage to get them to cancel it and received a refund confirmation. I was happy.

One week later I was charged the amount again from this company. Since then I have sent a dozen or so unanswered emails and made several phone calls. I found that if I call from my cell phone I get answered real quick, but if I call from my home phone, the number I provided in the order, I get stuck on hold forever and never get answered.

After telling the Customer Service rep they said they would submit my request for a refund to the manager and I would be called back in two days maximum. Two days passed, no call. I called them back and went through the same damn loop of question just to be told "your request has been submitted and the manager is in a meeting right now, but she will be out in an hour and will return your call then." Two hours pass, no call. I call back, same story. She's in a meeting, call you in an hour.

I have been stuck in this loop for a month now. I am looking into how I press charges and take legal action so I can get my money back, so if anyone has any ideas, feel free to contact me.

Company: Ultimate DVD Shop
Country: USA
Address: tvaddicts. tv
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Stub Hub
Stub Hub - Parking Pass

MyOTCstore.com aka americasrx.com
Never shipped product and had to fight to cancel order and get refun!

Colon Cure
Don't Buy!

Skyway Usa
Managers hung up on me and will not return my calls

Major rip off!

Thane Industries
Taking their sweet time to give your money back Their CS has empty words no action

Efaucets.com - Customer Service

ITV - itv.com - Kevin Trudeau
HUGE RIPOFF, Non-Cancellation & False Advertising


The Digital Hunte
Consumer Report