One Communications
Double charges, overbilled, unreliable phone and internet service, will not return phone calls

Internet & Web

In Sept. Of 2006 Jorge Veron of One communications came to my office. He told me he could save me a lot of money on my phone and Internet service. I said that sounds good but am worried about losing phones as that would hurt my business badly. I also wanted to see it in writing. He came back with a proposal in writing and assured me we would have hard wire, not just a modem in case of power failure. His proposal states a fee of 112.64 per month. He told me my total with my usage could be as high as 125.00 per month. Also I would get 2 free months. Last months bill was over $170.00. It took till Feb. 2007 to get started. Things seemed OK for a while then I lost all phone and Internet service. Every day for a week I spent HOURS on my cell phone calling Jorge and customer service. Every day I was told they would fix it that AM then that PM. I still can not get an answer as to why I had no service for a week. Now my phones die for no reason every once in a while. I have been told weekly for over a month by Jorge they will fix it. I am being billed by both ATT and One Comm. Because they still have not moved all lines over. I call Jorge 1 or 2 times a day and still no call back. I also am owed a credit for the double bill from One Comm. For the down time and the time I am billing billed by both Telephone companies due to One comm error. Jorge tells me every week or two he is on top of it. I do not know what he is on but it is not it. He is very good before the sale but a do nothing liar after. I called and asked to speak to his boss and am still waiting for a call back.

Company: One Communications
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Green Bay
Address: 2150 Holgren Way
Phone: 8002752088
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