NEPA Merchant Services - EIS - EPS - Esupport - NMS - Esupport Central - NMSEIS - Lease Source
Ripoff artists fraudunlent lease contracts ebay scammers e-commerce scam company fraud website businesses

Internet & Web

I was wondering after reading the report from the couple in Houston if there is anything that can be done about this company. My sister and I are also victims. We recently signed up, but after reading this, we are going to cancel the contract with them under a Texas law that you have 25 days in which to cancel such a contract. Hopefully, we won't have any problems from them over this.

However, here is my experience with them so far. Estehr Shuba contacted us offering us the opportunity to get our business up and going. She is a good salesperson and sounded really sincere. I looked on the internet and found no negative reports while I talked with her. Of course, the only names I had to go by were ESource and EProfit. No scam reports came up on them. She told me repeatedly that they were in association with Chase Bank. She said that the merchant account came from Chase Bank. So far, I have heard nothing from a Chase Bank representative. I plan to call them Monday.

I went to the site with her and the following is what I was offered.
Package One is the Flag Ship of EPS's ('s -hidden —doesn't show on the site) Franchise.
Fully loaded 100 product website
Wireless E-Commerce System
FULL Access to the Latest Drop ship Suppliers
8 Weekly One on One Training Classes with a Business Consultant from Visa & MC who teaches you the art of advertising
Unlimited Email and Chat Support
But That's Not All.
Knowing WHAT to sell is just as important as knowing WHERE to source it.
If you don't know what people are BUYING online, you won't be successful in SELLING online. EPS does a complete Market Research Analysis every time you search on a product.

EPS tells you:

On a 0% to 100% Scale, how well each product you search for will sell.
How many people are searching the Internet for your products.
How many other people are selling your products.
Who your competitors are, and what their Advertising says.
What other variations of your product searches are selling well online.
Which Search Engine Keywords are the most popular for the products you want to sell.

We didn't advance past step 1 so I didn't see anything more. I was offered this for only $89 a month. A week later, the contract came. While Esther was on the phone with me, she assured me that I could cancel the contract and send back the machine. She said that they had problems with people keeping the machine and that there would be wording in the contract to protect them, but it would not affect my ability to cancel.

We signed the contract and a week later, we got the machine. My troubles started soon after. She told me that someone named Mike S would be calling me as my trainer and that training would start on Friday. Meanwhile, I was reading the other step 2, they wanted me to register a domain name. I already had a domain name so I didn't want to do that. I called and asked about it, but no one called me back, or answered the phone, nor responded to any emails I sent after that. Then I sent an email asking for help with the dropshippers they had promised to find for me. Silence. I called again. Nothing. I sent word through their system e-mail. Nothing. Then their website didn't work for an evening so I called again. I saved every frustrated e-mail I sent them. Finally, I got an e-mail from Mike Shuba asking when I wanted to start classes. I sent back an e-mail saying "right away" and expressed concern that no one had called me back or answered any of my e-mails. Silence. I kept sending e-mails and calling. A few days later, I got an e-mail from mike wanting to know why I didn't answer him about the classes. I answered him replying that I had answered him and sent him a copy of the e-mail. Finally on Monday, he called me for the first class. That was this past Monday. I asked questions, but he said that Scott would answer me on most of them. We went to step 2 and he told me that I would need to register a domain name and it would cost $25 just for registration. I told him that was exhorbant because I could register one anywhere for between $6 and $8 and I wasn't paying $25 to just register a damain name. I told him to give me the nameserver addresses and I would forward the promised website to my own domain. He told me that it was only a few webpages. That wasn't what I had been promised. I asked him why I had to pay for hosting. He said it was the rule. I told him I could get the site hosted elsewhere for cheaper and besides, hosting fees and domain registration fees were not mentioned when I joined. Hosting fees are not mentioned until step 3. Then we got to the class, which I thought was to be about advertising.instead it was about Ebay auctions. I'll admit that I did learn several useful things from him. But something he told me bothered me. Ebay does not allow you to advertise your site anywhere except your "About Me" page. He wanted me to mask a link on my page leading the bidder offsite. This was supposed to advertise my site on Ebay. This kind of thing can get your account suspended. He told me that he does it all of the time and doesn't get caught.

Another thing bothered me about the company itself. I went to Step 4 and read all of the E-books and all of the online tutorials. I noticed first that most of the E-books seemed to be written by under educated people — with a lot of misspellings and grammar mistakes. But one e-book caught my eye and really bothered me. It is about credit repair. The first part of that report is about how to commit fraud in "fixing" your credit. It talks about how to change your name and your social security number to set up a new account so your credit will appear clean when checked. It even went so far as to tell you how to reinvent your social security number so that it woould pass the tests. It mentioned even changing your ID so that you would have a new ID to defraud the stores with when you set up your new "credit". I guess no one told them that in Texas you have to present three indisputable forms of ID before you can get an ID card. They probably have a way around that, too. I had already bought into the company before getting to read this report. However, I began to wonder what kind of people would publish such a report.

Like the people from Houston, I found their dropshipper list outdated. I bought one list from another dealer and found a few free lists online that were better than theirs. I even found some dropshippers by going through the search engines with particular products in mind. Mike did send me to one place, but their prices were so high that I could have bought the items retail from my local store at better prices. People on E-bay are selling their stuff for cheaper than i could have bought them from that company.

Meanwhile, I never heard from esource on the product search they had promised to do in step 1 before I had paid anything. I checked our bank account and found that $95 was taken out instead of the $89 promised. Esource finally answered my first e-mail with a ticket. I went to the ticket site and found no answer — just a copy of the e-mail asking for help. They claimed to send me a ticket e-mail on the first two tickets, but the link didn't work. I searched the ticket numbers in their database and found only empty reply boxes. Meanwhile, Scott told me that he would have to forward my site because he couldn't give me the answers I asked for. I just checked, and he has forwarded the account.

BTW, They also told me that the first 3 months would be reimbursed by them. So why did they take it out in the first place?

So I have changed the password on my godaddy account again. Monday, I intend to start the changes that will enable me to get out of this deal. I plan to send back the equipment (registered UPS with tracking) and a certified letter advising them that my lawyer will be getting involved if I have any problems getting out of this. Luckily, there is a corporate lawyer who happens to also be a friend.

Is there anything else I can do? I will let you know what happens next. BTW, I have informed Mike about my doubts and feelings on this matter and I am waiting a reply.

Buna, Texas

Company: NEPA Merchant Services - EIS - EPS - Esupport - NMS - Esupport Central - NMSEIS - Lease Source
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Mount Pocono
Address: 413 Route 940 East, Suite 318
Phone: 5706985222
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