Swimmingpoolsetc.com, Development, Jeff Yurtin, GolfClubsetc.com
Swimmingpoolsetc.com, Development, Jeff Yurtin, GolfClubsetc.com DISHONEST! Never do business with!

Internet & Web

Ordered Parts 3/17/07 - NEVER RECEIVED Salt Chlorinator, acutator valves, or spa side remote priced at $666.00 on their website.

CALLED 4/09/07 - Told parts shipped by Ryan.
Called 4/16/07 - Parts never arrived, no message from Swimmingpoolsetc. Aaron put on phone and gets very rude, asking me if I think he likes it when his distributor lies to him and its not his responsibility. Told I must leave an email to get support. (It appears there are only 2 or 3 employees). They must get the email right after you send it and sit there and laugh. I was unable to escalate issue. Aaron said there was no one other than him that I could talk to.

Called 4/23/07 - Told parts never shipped, they "would work on it" and don't call them anymore. If product ever ships, I'd get an email from the distributor.
Called 4/27/07 - Told product shipped, again. Mentioned that I never got an email and was told "not their problem, they have no control over their disctibutor." Asked for confirmation of shipment or credit card refund by end of day. Told by Aaron, I'd never get a refund eventhough product has never shipped, and then I was hung up on.

These guys act like they are the victims. They charge a credit card draft the day they take an order, never deliver, and are unresponsive when emailed. They seem to bounce back and forth between a few canned responses (lies), such as "it shipped", "I'm waiting to hear from my contact", "I got a call in", or "you should get an email". If you call them because they don't respond to your email, they act totally put upon, like you have no right to be upset with them for not shipping your goods.

Someone should let them know that the reason you purchase through a middleman is so that the middleman will follow-up and insure that your order ships - complete, unbroken, and on time. I can't call the distributor myself (I know because I asked them for this info too).

If you have any sense you will avoid these guys at all cost. On the other hand, if you like feeling totally frustrated and being talked to like its your fault someone else can't or won't deliver on their promises, this is your guy. I will now attempt to work through Mastercard to get my money back. If that doesn't work I will be forced to file legal action, which stinks, but at least I will begin to get some satisfaction.

The horror stories you hear about on 20/20, this is it.

Company: Swimmingpoolsetc.com, Development, Jeff Yurtin, GolfClubsetc.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 3667 Omec Park Drive
Phone: 8005443730
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Swimmingpoolsetc - Wholesalepoolsupplies - Golfclubsetc - Poolsavings - Waterfilters
Swimmingpoolsetc - wholesalepoolsupplies - golfclubsetc - poolsavings - waterfilters RIPOFF Has ripped off, employees, distributors, manufactures, Jeff Yurtin is a CROOK

Swimmingpoolsetc.com, Development, Jeff Yurtin, GolfClubsetc.com
Order will never arrive!

Jeff Yurtin, Swimming Pools Etc, Development Inc
Jeff Yurtin, Swimming Pools Etc, JEFF YURTIN Horrible Business Operation!

Swimming Pools Ect. Jeff Yurtin
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Swimline Corp. &swimmingpoolsetc
Swimline Corp. & swimmingpoolsetc. 3 months of frustration and still getting the runaround. No customer appreciation at all!

Swimming Pools Etc
Non-delivery of products paid for from swimmingpoolsetc.com

Swimming Pools Etc
Swimming Pools Etc Ripoff No Status No Shipping No Sconces!

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Swimming pools etc
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Blade Power Sports Inc
Stuart promised refund for items that were never sent - 6 weeks and 8 phone calls later still no refund