Rapid Cable
Interrupted service, won't hold appointments, won't call back, poor quality work, won't answer phone, should I go on

Internet & Web

I'm a patient man but this company has pushed me to the edge. I became an internet subscriber a few months ago and with the exception of what I thought was a high price for the service and an occasional loss of service for no explained reason I lived with it. My issues started on 3/9/07. Even though I'm a dish customer with locals, I asked to receive their most basic cable service so I could get ABC out of Indy and channel 4 out of Indy. I was not present on 3/9/07 when they came to hook up the basic cable service but my son was. When I got home from work I had cable (albeit very poor signal on lower channels) and NO internet. Being a Friday night and knowing they couldn't do anything until Monday I crawled into the crawlspace to find my internet coax had been cut (for no apparent reason). I put a connector on myself and hooked it into a splitter they had provided hoping to get the cable they hooked up AND my internet back but still no internet. I only got my internet back for the weekend by removing the splitter and hooking up the incoming line via a barrel connector to the internet line (that I fixed). OK, now I'm back to where I was and I had to wait until Monday 3/12/07 to call the office.

On 3/12/07 I explained what had happened and asked for a refund of the $44.95 1st months cable fee and hook up fee, which they did, and I asked them to come out to fix the issue. The earliest they could come out was 3/27/07. I informed them I really didn't think I should have to wait but that didn't matter. I also informed the customer service rep. I would be on vacation the week that included 3/27/07 but she said as long as they could get into the crawlspace they could fix it. I agreed to this date but I said at this point let's forget about the cable; just come out and use the proper connectors and put the internet cable back to how it was. She agreed to this.

I arrived home from vacation on 3/30/07 and found I had cable (same poor quality but remember I told them to forget about the cable) and NO internet. I again went into the crawlspace and found another splitter with the TV coax and internet line hooked to it. I again removed the splitter and hooked up the internet line directly but the internet still wouldn't work this time. We went all weekend without internet and I called them Monday 4/2/07 and asked them to come out to fix it. I was told the earliest they could come out was 4/12/07. Keep in mind because of their last visit when they hooked up cable I told them I didn't want I lost internet capabilities. After several tense moments on the phone and several conversations they agreed to come out on 4/6/07 between 8 and 5. They said they'd call Thursday to confirm. I said I'd take the day off work to be there on Friday so I could explain to the techs what's going on and we could check things together before they leave.

Meanwhile by about Tuesday the internet begins working but is intermittent at best.By about Thursday the internet is working fairly consistently but I keep the appt. Because it does still drop out occasionally AND I figure I can get them to hook up the basic cable I originally wanted.

No confirmation call on Thursday so I call Friday morning to ensure I'm on the list. At 8:45 I'm told by someone she'd walk to the dispatcher's desk and check and get back with me. At 11:00 I have to call back because I wasn't called back and I'm told I am definitely on the list for today. Awesome!!!

By 5:00 no one has showed so I call the office. I'm told the field techs quit at 5:00, sorry. I voiced my displeasure and was called back about 10 mintues later and told the techs are working late in my area so they should still be out. They didn't come.

I decided to not call on Monday thinking since they didn't get to me Friday they might be out Monday, but NO. I waited until later on Tuesday to call the office and see what was going on but got their voice mail. As instructed I left my name, phone number and address and awaited a call back. It's now Wednesday and I still haven't heard from them. I've tried to call the office all afternoon and it's busy; it won't even go into voice mail now.

Ironically through all of this, even though I've never been able to watch a single program on cable, they had the nerve to bill me for cable service for April.

I've never dealt with such a poorly mananged company.

If they weren't the only high speed internet provider in my area I'd drop 'em like a three foot putt. I could go satellite internet but the reviews on that are poor too.

I honestly can say I've never been more displeased and frustrated with a company and found this great web site to vent. It won't change a thing but I feel better.

Company: Rapid Cable
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Clinton
Address: 355 S. Main Street
Phone: 7658323586
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