Bundle package GARBAGE


I called direct TV on a Friday to check out there rates on the bundle package I found that I liked the deals they had to offer so I went for it. After he quoted me he was suppose to send me to the ATT rep to set me up for the Internet and phone hook up but I got disconnected. So I called back and talked to someone else and he told me I was all set up for my full install on the following Monday and that my rebate was all set up. I got a call on Sunday saying that my rebate was not set up so I call them and try to set it ip over the phone and little do I know I was completely lied to on how the rebate works I was told I would get

50 dollars off each month for 2 months. So I try to set it up with them and have a he k of a time trying to get it done. So later that day after 3 hours o. The phone the first time. I call them to confirm that the cable, Internet, and phone will be installed on Monday. They said everything was set up and I was good to go. Now it's Monday and the cable installer is here to put the cable in and there is no sign of the Internet people so I call them again and now this time they tell me they have no record of me ever setting up Internet service with them. So after one more hour on the phone and 12 people later I ask for a manager to get this resolved they tell me they do not have managers on the floor and would be happy to process a cancelation form for me. I'm furious at this point. The cable installer has already completed the install and put holes in my baseboard for wires that looks gross and holes in my roof and now he takes everything off and leaves all the hole without sealing anything. I am VERY VERY VERY disappointed in how everything was handled. So now i still do not have any cable or internet that i needed today Poor company to do business with and would not recommend anyone doing business with them.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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