Hewlett-Packard GlobalSoft Limited
Settlement money for termination Ripoff

Internet & Web

I've a small concerned regarding the settlement of termination amount. You may be not the concern person, however, I'm requesting you to help me out to settle the issue.

I've joined the company on 29th January Induction day. I've cleared the softskill part from Spur, but I was rejected by the softskill trainer Simi and thus I was terminated from the company. It was very unfortunate for me, but that's ok. I know where I stand and I got a job as soon as I left HP.

We had a meeting with HR Srishar to give a resignation letter from our end on 27th february and had given my ID and access card. We're told that we'd be getting the settlement amount of 2 months if the company is terminating us within 25 days. 1st April is over and I didn't get the money yet.

Some of the contents from the offer letter we've received. Which clear mention if the company terminates any employee...

"Your services can be terminated by either party to the other, a notice of two months in writing. The Company however, reserves its right to terminate your employment by giving you salary for two months in lie of the notice.

So, I've been terminated by the company though I've signed a resignation as per HR Srishar guideline. We 7 were there in the team who have been terminated. I and on behalf of the 6 persons, we request you to help us out to get the settlement money asap because 25 days is over.

Hope that you'll surely help us out. If we didn't get proper answer, we may approch the court or related Nasscom commision and will send a report for the time we've lost. Also, we will approach one of the leading newspapers to take interviews for us regarding what happened exactly. One of our members was so shocked that he was about to do something bad. So, please help us out.

All our dreams are shattered, what expectations we've received from the top guys of Hp during the induction. May be, we are not fit for the job.

Anyway, shridhar, I would like to get confirmation email from your side or from the concerned HR, when are we going to receive the settlement amount for the 2 months salary.

Anticipating to get a reply soon.


Keisham Rajkumar Singh
Hp emp id 20302828

Ps: any aditional information require, pls let me know. Thanks

Bangalore, Nova Scotia

Company: Hewlett-Packard GlobalSoft Limited
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Bangalore
Address: HP Avenue, 39/40, Electronics City - 2, Hosur Road, Bangalore 560100
Phone: 08028528395
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