Spacial Audio Solutions
Scammed 59.00 from me ripoff

Internet & Web

Feb 8th purchased SAM Broadcaster V. 4, under the premise it would work on my computer.

Feb 9th submitted first tech help email, as the program continually forced my computer to reboot EVERY time I tried to start the program

Feb. 9th - March 8th was spent going back and forth asking for my $59.00 payment to be returned for me. Their "refund policy" is that a refund request be made within 15 days of initial purchase. I made my INITIAL Refund Request on Feb. 12th. Shortly thereafter, I had lost the check/debit card that I had made the initial payment on, and from then on, I kept getting the runaround as to why there was a delay, only to be told that I wouldn't get my money back.

What I had to do: I don't have a printer, so, I had to FTP the form to OfficeMax to be printed out there and filled out, and faxed to Spacial Audio's fax machine.

Their billing department took roughly ONE WEEK to locate the fax. These people told me I didn't enter in my request for a refund in time, even though my request was emailed to them February 12th. They treated me like a criminal, and now I'm out of 59 dollars.

I have all of the communication between they and I, as well as the receipts for the FTP printing and fax transmission. They offered to do a remote desktop troubleshooting session. It would have been free if the trouble was because of thier software, otherwise, it would have cost me 30 dollars, which I didn't have last month because I was unemployed.

I called my bank, asking if I had any options to recover the 59.00. They said they could try to recapture the funds, but, they also said it may not be successful, so, instead of going through the headache, I thanked them for at LEAST answering my question and treating me like i actually mattered.

A week had passed since I last heard from Spacial Audio. This morning, I received what I would call a terse email with excerpts from their refund policy. Then, the person that responded offered to do a remote installation for free. Thing is, their program never worked, no matter WHAT i did, including the steps their tech's asked me to do.

Long story short: Spacial ripped me off for a program that never worked on my computer, even though they THEMSELVES said it should. I cannot afford the program any longer, even if they installed it from their offices to my computer.

I'd like to know what recourse, if any, I have in reclaiming my 59 dollars.

Company: Spacial Audio Solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: P.O. Box 90781
Phone: 2144533550
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