Bills before they say causing cancellation fees that did not previously exist for trial members

Internet & Web

I did a Netzero trial for a month, but the service was way too slow for me. If my email box had 20 emails in for example, it would take two days to send, so I decided to cancel my service a week before my trial was up just to be "safe" about it.

When I called to cancel, I was told that I couldn't cancel yet and I would need to call back in a week - January 3rd, the day my trial ended. I called back on January 3rd at around 4:00 pm. They told me that I owed $6.95 for February and a $25 cancellation fee.

They had charged my card for the month of February arbitrarily at 2:45 pm. (2:45 pm was not even relevant to the time I had enrolled a month before). I talked to manager after manager, all of whom tried to sell me new services for a minimum of 15 minutes before even addressing my problem, and still it has not been taking care of, though I plan to make the dispute via my credit card company for lack of a better route.

Company: Netzero
Country: USA
Address: Woodland Hills, CA
Phone: 8008517908
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Charged me $25.00 for a cancellation fee when I had a free trial Ripoff

Ripoff Not available to cancel service. I called them and got a recording that they could not take my call. Left 2 messages via email which says to call them. Back and forth with them to cancel

Net Zero
Terrible service!


30 Day Free Try is NOT FREE

Breaches contract refuses to refund money and refuses to turn off service

Ever tried to discontinue services with Netzero. Well it is harder to cancel services with Netzero than it was to divorce my last two husbands

Ripoff I went online to get netzero on free trial, the following day I went back online and cancelled netzero. This was back in December, New York New York

NetZero SCAM