AT&T Broadband Internet Services
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing they bill even when your service is cut-off

Internet & Web

This internet service continues to bill you a monthly fee even when your service is cut off from the office. If you don't take in their motem and call into the office and tell them to discontinue your service, you will be billed as if you still have service. And if you don't pay this fraudulent amount, they will put it on your credit report as a negative entry. And whom ever you speak with, get a first and last name, extention, and location.

Chicago, Illinois

Company: AT&T Broadband Internet Services
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Harvey
Address: 15334 Center Ave
Phone: 8882626300
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Adelphia / Comcast
Unfair billing practices!

Verizon Wireless
$10,000/month Internet

Accepted Fios then double billing.increased rate without explanation. Never got bundled rate. Poor customer service by phone. Richmond Virginia

AT&T Broadband & Internet Svcs
They tell you one thing and the bill is something else - Internet and phone service

Dealings - 1.5 MB Broadband DSL

Cricket Wireless Broadband
Cricket very slow internet broadband

Reach Broadband
Failed Broadband Internet Service

Broadband National
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent rebates

Ripoff Unauthorized Billing Slamming Fraudulent