Voyeurmods, www.voyeurmods.com, J&B Techologies, Primo Chill, Brian Ferral
Voyeurmods, voyeurmods.com, J&B Techvoyeurmods, J&B Techologies, Primo Chill, Brian Ferral ripoff thieves liers sucks dishonest cheats misleading

Internet & Web


After a year of Voyeurmods tying up over 7000.00 US dollars of my money for a computer I never received, offering me a job & partnership, working 237 Hours in 16 days and not getting paid, leaving my wife, kid and new home in California behind to try and help someone I was so Naive to believe really wanted me to help them get a new start and succeed in their failing business only to be screwed over and over.in the next few paragraphs I will explain in complete detail the nightmare my family and I went through with Voyeurmods.com.

I was a customer of Voyeurmods, or Brian Farrell and his 2 shop workers, Kevin who is a total retard and hates everything in life except for World Of Warcraft and the kiddy porn sites he subscribes to in newsgroups and Doug who thinks his top dollar earning wife is going to support them working at Target until she retires as a women's undergarment manager in another 74 years when she is 89. For the past 3 years I had Voyeurmods fill in the gaps when I was doing system builds for friends & customers and didn't have the time or tools to facilitate the extreme type of mods I needed done during the busy periods of the last few years with relocating and such. Communication with Brian was poor at best over the past few years on custom case designs and time frames were stretched and broken constantly, however he almost always seemed to deliver a good product at an ok price until the point at which this was wrote.

Back in September I had just relocated to a new state and was ready to build my next dream system. I called voyeurmods and after speaking with his wife Melissa's psycho girlfriend and secretary Andr (an extremely overweight, f* it, fat ass, dramatic, delusional, raciest, Mexican psychopath who hates anyone that's not white or has a dick except for her recently released from prison looser of a boyfriend (Oxymoron, Even for a Mexican) I was connected to Brian (Ill get in to him later). During our conversation about what I was looking to build, a Lian V2000 with custom paint, Phase Change cooling on an FX57 and water cooling on 2 7800GTX cards in SLI, 2 gigs of memory, a Plextor SATA 16xDVD burner and an Sound Blaster X-FI Elite, he said and I quote "I have great vendors and can get you a killer deal on everything, why don't you let me order and build the whole thing for you". Seeing as I was recently moved to California and being more then convinced by Brian's enthusiasm I agreed and the deal began.

Not more then a day had passed and he called with a total system cost coming to a grand total of $6800.00. I had done my research prior and knew that the price was within the expected range so I paid him promptly over a 2 week period. He hit my personal bank account for $5550.00 and my Visa CC for 1450.00 for a total of $7000.00. Until recent I had not added up the totals to realize that it was over the original agreed $6800.00 but I figured what the heck. This is where things really start to get good.

I patiently waited for my computer for over 4 months, as you all know the hardware I had initially paid for was now dropping in price daily. I began calling Brian every week, then a few times a week. Trying to be patient, constantly getting excuses from his wife Melissa that his wife just had a baby (Did you catch that), and from Brian that their move to a bigger location was putting things behind. He also used this BS excuse that he was hired to build a $35,000.00 dream system called the Unreal build for one of Americas richest men, so Brian claimed, Lee West of Fast Card who turned out to be a potential investor for Brian and Melissa failing business. I was more then understanding and continued to stay in touch hoping that things were going good for him and his family.

After 6 months of waiting and getting inpatient I was having a casual conversation with Brian about him finally getting back up to speed and how everything was returning to normal. I had mentioned that I had decided to start a new online Custom system build business in California specializing in water-cooled gaming rigs, Home Theater PC's, Phase Change and a multitude of other full custom setups. The next day I received a call from Brian suggesting instead of starting from scratch, Why not partner up with him and we do something together. As you can imagine my initial reaction was that of excitement, as I imagined Brian thought it through, after our numerous conversations I realized I could help him out tremendously with new design ideas, builds, helping him get on track and hopefully would be a means to get my system done before everything I paid and waited for was totally out a date and worthless, So I agreed to start a business relationship with him. THIS IS WHERE ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES OF MY LIFE TAKES PLACE!!!

Over the following few weeks I started putting design ideas and pricing on paper for new Custom Primo Chill and Voyeurmod builds which included A killer LAN FRAG system using a Lian Li V600 with SLI to a Monster Duel Core, Raptor RAID, SLI setup running a phase change unit. These were to be part of the launch of the new VOYEURMODS INSANE FULL SYSTEM BUILD WEBSITE that he wanted to use to compete against the companies that he's been modding cases for over the last few years, companies like Maingear and Biohazard. As the weeks pasted Brian assured me that my system was coming together and that almost all the updated parts from the original build were in and rockin. I received an instant message from Brian one afternoon that mentioned the company was going through the mass part of the expansion (note earlier I was told relocation) and he could really use the help of someone like myself to get some systems orders finished, a few new designs created and some manpower to help with the move, I mean expansion. Without hesitation I agreed to fly out on his dime as soon as he could get me a flight and we would work the rest of the details out during my stay. Our original conversation in tailed a 7 to 8 day stay however when it came down to booking the flight I knew I was free for 16 total days and we agreed that the time and work there was more then justified so I told him to book it.

Within 48 Hours of that conversation I arrived at Albuquerque Airport in New Mexico and was greeted by Brian at passenger pickup in the family minivan. He ran me by the shop and then dropped me off at a hotel about a block away and was to pick me up the following morning to start work. I must say, upon arrival to the shop i was quite surprised at how little there was to Voyeurmods. I expected to walk in to a 10,000 Sq foot shop full of employees that turned out to be a very small 2,500 Sq foot operation with only 2 shop employees, a coffee table sized laser for cutting acrylic, bench router for case cuts and common everyday tools. All things aside I was ready to get to work and it didn't take but 2 minutes to get into my first project, the Lian Li V600 SLI, RAID LAN system I spoke of earlier. Within a few hours of starting that project I was asked to start on another project, called the Fast Card build, then pulled to work on another, one of Biohazards builds, are you starting to get the point here? This shop was totally disorganized, no one gave a shit what was going on and Brian would spend the majority of the day at his desk returning emails and trying to smooth things over with customers and lie to LEe West about how many hours of sweat were going in to the Unreal build. I swear if you could blow a man VIA an email Brian was giving head over the internet 15 times a day. I was a little shocked when I realized i was not the only one who had been waiting so long for my computer, there was one customer named Anthony who would call 4 or 5 times a day and waited over a year for his system to only receive it damaged do to the poor packaging on the part of voyeurmods. About half way through the day I noticed a tore down Vapochill LS stuffed into a cubby with several random case parts, nuts, bolts and so on. I asked what build the parts belonged to and was told "Oh that's from your system" I casually rummaged through the items and was a bit surprised to find the only thing that was actually ordered and delivered for my system was 2 RAPTORS (Plain Raptors, Not the Raptor X I ordered) and an X-FI music card (Not the $200.00 more expensive X-FI Elite I had paid for originally) and that was it. No Video cards, Mobo, CPU, nothing. When I asked where my hardware was Brian said "Oh, I pulled your hardware for some other builds I needed to get out", so I'm thinking if I been waiting 6 months I can only imagine how long the poor sucker who's getting my hardware has been waiting, I let it go by the way side for the time being. Over the days that followed I averaged 15 to 16 hours a day and if I was knees deep in a project I would have a 20-22 hour build sessions to help get things caught up. Things might have gone a little faster but no one in the shop would work any overtime what so ever and absolutely never came in on the weekends. I was still determined to make things work so I kept after it day in night in if you know what I mean.

One thing I must say is that Brian & Melissa treated my exceptionally well when I was there working, they opened up there home so I didn't have to stay in a hotel that would have cost him $50.00 a night for me to spend 4 to 8 hours a day in and they fed me at least one or two meals a day. One evening getting out of the shop which is located directly behind their home, I was sitting in their living room talking with them about the business. Melissa suggested maybe my wife and I would want to think about relocating to New Mexico, Now this came as a little surprise to me as I was suppose to be in New Mexico to help out for a few weeks getting them caught up then return to California and do all the full system builds from my home in Cal. Brain's wife went on to say after evaluating the way things had been going at the shop she felt I would be an asset as the GM of the shop and they were figuring out what they could do to make it work for the both of us. A few days pasted and Brian came up with a dollar figure of $18.00 an hour or 35,000.00 a year a bonus on every system built. Now we all know that is shit money for a GM, System Designer, Builder EXC. And averaging 16 hour days 6 or 7 days a week that dropped to something like 6.00 an hour, But once again I was loving what I was doing, I was hoping to help rebuild the business and become a partner within a few years so I decide it was worth the sacrifice to give it a go. My wife's job in Cal is paying her 100K a year so a total relocation was out of the question. I started making arrangements to load up and drive my F150 to New Mexico to setup a small bed in the shop so I could design and build systems all week and fly home or have the wife fly out every other weekend. To show they were serious on there offer they even flew my wife out for 2 days to check out the area and see what she thought. The only thing my poor wife saw for that whole weekend was the inside of the shop. It was the weekend the expansion was to take place so they figured they would kill 2 birds with one stone. The wife worked from morning till morning as we relocated all the product from one unit to the next. My wife definitely worked off her plan ticket that weekend. Before I knew it the weekend was over, my back was sore and the wife was on her way home to California having got to see nothing but the inside of Voueurmods and the Albuquerque airport.

Since the agreement of my position was decided I was told day after day that I would be given a contract that outlined everything from my pay to bonus breakdown. Everyday I asked for that contract and was told it coming. This went on for what seemed like a year however it was only about 12 days at this point. During my time there the FX-60 was in full swing and I knew the Conroe's were just around the corner and the 7950's were coming out soon. Knowing that none of my hardware had been ordered and what had was pulled and sold to other customers I asked for a refund on the hardware and used the excuse that I was going to wait for the new stuff coming out because I was aware of the major price drops that were going to be hitting with the 7900 & 7950 GTX's and the Intel price cuts. Once again, I asked for that refund along with the contract day after day after day...

As the time for my departure draw near I was starting to have my doubts about weather or not this whole thing was for real. I was getting ready to leave still without my computer, had no contract and when asked about compensation for the 237 hours worth a work I did over that 16 days I was told and I quote "Were Going to take real good care of you when you get back out here, Now that i know your serious it's all good and ill have that contract to you by morning" and was handed a independent contractor from and was asked to sign it, I refused as it was handed to me on the way out of the shop and I was in no way acting as an independent contractor and had no time to read the document.in addition as I scanned it there was no mention of any type of pay or bonus structure.

I returned home to turn around and fly out the next day to Aruba for a family vacation, upon returning from Aruba there was not a peep from Brian or His wife and no contract was ever sent. After a week of being back and getting things ready for my drive I made several attempts to contact them with no reply. Approximately a week after that I received a email from Brian thanking me for all my efforts then going on to tell me that some things were said by an employee and he was extremely upset with me for have done the heinous things I was accused of. Now I am thinking to myself, I worked morning and night only having 1 personal conversation with anyone in the shop the entire time I was there so what the hell did I do. Did I forget to shut the door in the shop when I took a pee and someone saw, did I offend someone by asking them to stay late to help finish a project one night, what the hell did I do. After a dumbfounded reply Brian finally called me one evening a week later. He proceeds to tell me that Andr said I sexually harassed her, and rubbed or fondled her in some way. If I recall my exact reply went something like this "Let me tell you something Brian, That Psycho bitch is a f*in liar and out of her damn mind". My wife was sitting next to me when this conversation took place and was ready to jump through the phone and slit his trout at this point. If you take one look at this fat disgusting Mexican ghetto trash whore and then look at my wife you would know the accusations were total Bullshit. After I got off the phone with Brain I immediately called a friend whom is an Attorney in Cal and NV and told him the story. He said have Brian make her do a formal complaint, agree to a polygraph and when you pass sue the shit out of her. I emailed Brian to try and get him to push her to do so but of course nothing ever happened and he didn't reply. BUT WAIT THERES MORE!!!

To Top everything off when I left New Mexico I left several tools such as a soldering station, other tools and personal effects behind thinking I was going to be returning to Voyeurmods within a few weeks. Between Calls and instant messages I must have requested my personal items be returned over 10 times in the last month and not until I sent him one final email stating that I was going to take action on the advice of my lawyer if compensation was not made and all my items and the computer I have been waiting for shipped within 72 Hrs. And guess what happened, Brian shipped a package to me. Not the soldering station, not the multi meter cables, not the computer, no check for compensation, just some cloths, and internal brackets and drive bay plates to a computer case, pieces that are suppose to be riveted in to the case. When I contacted Brian he said "Oh, sorry about sending out the wrong pieces and your computer is heavy so I had to order a custom box so it should ship tomorrow". Now that BS lie was last week and still nothing has been shipped and that's why I have had enough shit from him and his shit company and decided to let everyone out there know the truth about doing business at voyeurmods. 11 months $7000.00 tied up, no computer, 237 hours of labor in 16 days, loss of tools, away from my family all= Ha-Ha you dumb ass that's what you get for being such a trusting fool. Short of returning to NM to end him, I feel writing this was my only alternative.

Q & a

Q: What is Brain, s Windows Messenger address

A: webmaster@voyeurmods.com

Q: What is his Wife's Windows Messenger Address? A: voyeurmodsgirl@hotmail.com

Q: Where is their home located? A: The 1300 block of Wilked Way SE (PM Me for exact address if in case you want to send them a gift).

Q: Do they have Kids? A: Yes 1 boy named Hayden who I hope they put on meds before he ends up like his dad, Hayden attends La Petite Academy (PM Me for address if you want to send your kids there) and 1 girl still breast feeding.

Q: If I were to try and make a non conductive cooling liquid like the stuff sold on so many sites such as voyeurmods to save paying $20.00 a bottle that only cost. 50 cents to make what should I useA: I personally use deionizer water and glycol, nothing more.

Q: I have thought about buying an Alpha Shield Pro what do you think about the product. A: I have heard from an inside source the wholesale cost of that unit is $10.00 sounds like state of the art technology to me, 900% mark up, what a f*ing rip-off.

Q: In your personal opinion how do you think there business is doing? A: Just a guess, I bet they lost 50K last year do to the horrible service they are providing to unsuspecting customers like me.

Q: Would you like to see Brian & Voyeurmods pay dearly for the BS they put and your family through? A: Does the term "BURN IN HELL" sound a little harsh (PM Me with any ideas)

Q: Who are you? A: I was a 33 year old business professional who got tired of the Vegas heat and mortgage game, decided to move to Southern CA. Recently and start a small xtreme custom system build and IT support business until being swindled in to going to work for Voyeurmods.com

Q: So what are you doing now? A: I am back on track getting my business up and running. If you are looking to have a killer rig built or tech help in the San Diego area please IM me.

Q: How long have you been building, modding, overclocking and frequenting HardOCP, XtremeSystems, Guru3D, Overclockers and other forums? A: I have been a total computer addict for 6 years 7 months 24 days

Well if you have managed to read through this entire story I hope you think twice about supporting Voyeurmods or doing business with them ever again. If you have visited there site lately you will notice the "Voyermods is NOT CLOSING" at the top of the home page which tells most people with a brain the exact opposite. I have contacted the BBB, complaints.com, OSHA, US Department of labor and several other companies about the foul practices of Voyeurmods, I would not want them having my money when the shit hits the fan. I am more then open to any questions regarding this post and please feel free to share it with anyone who is doing or plans on doing business with Voyeurmods.com.

RoccoLas Vegas, Nevada

Company: Voyeurmods, www.voyeurmods.com, J&B Techologies, Primo Chill, Brian Ferral
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Rio Rancho
Address: 1534 Stephanie Rd SE
Phone: 5053494838
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