Dell Computers
Financial Services rebate ripoff texas

Internet & Web

My husband I purchased a desk top computer and a laptop with these two purchases came two rebates totalling $230.00. I sent all the appropriate paperwork by certified mail. I received email confirmation, I also received an email stating that they were sending me a check dated 4-10. They stated my rebated was valid and I should receive this and the other check 30 days from that date. Well... It has been 30 days as of today. My mail came and no checks.

So today I haved called Dell They tell me they have no record of my rebate. Hmm Well should i be surprised??? I talked to Josh And then his supervisor Anu. Thank God I saved my emails because I now have to be the one to show burden of proof. They say they will get this resolved. We'll see about that. The advantage I have is. I do have the time and I'm very persistent especially when there is point to be proven. I will keep you updated...

Company: Dell Computers
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
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Dell Computers
Rebate rip off Never received rebate Texas

Computers ripoff REBATE offe

Dell Computer
Ripoff Failure to honor a rebate

DELL Computers

Dell Computer Corporation
Dell rebates never sent!

Dell Computer Rebates
Dell Computer Ripoff Rebates Not Honored

Dell Computer Corporation
Rebate ripoff scam texas

Dell Computers
Ripoff, refuse to honor rebate

Rebate ripoff scam sham deceptive keeps stating rebate is invalid

Dell Computer
Did not honor their rebate offe