Paul Connor &, Giancarlo Capuccio
Product is not what is advertised, does not honor 90 day refund guarantee

Internet & Web

The Winning Lotto Systems advertisement page, winninglottosystems, says that you will win thousands of dollars playing the lottory by using the systems in the eBook Winning Lotto Systems by Paul Conner.

I don't know if it works in other states, but it does not work in California lotteries including the multi-state Mega Millions.

The same page also guarantees a full refund within 90 days of your purchase. I contacted "Paul Conner" at several time.instead of a refund or refund instructions, I got advertising about his book (thus proving that my Junk filter was not fitering his emails, if his advertising could get to my Inbox, so could refund instructions).

I contacted clickbank at (his partners in crime), the company that moves the money from your credit card to "Paul's" bank account. They told me to contact Giancarlo Capuccio at instead. I did. Several times. No response. Because I had contacted clickbank 8 weeks after my purchase (though still well within the 90 day refund guarantee), they decided to refuse to help me any further (as I said before, partners in crime).

DON'T risk the unenforced money-back guarantee to try this eBook.
AFTER you win hundreds of dollars using the secrets in this eBook, you can pay for it.
Download it from here:

If it works and then you pay for it, what's the difference?
If it doesn't, delete it from your hard drive, and it's just as if you got your money back as guaranteed on the advertising page.
No harm, no foul.

Company: Paul Connor &, Giancarlo Capuccio
Country: USA
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