Acne No More
Total rip-off - impossible to get a refund, hidden terms Internet

Health & Medicine

This web site is a total rip-off. Don't buy anything from them! I even checked this web site first and found nothing.

They claim a 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked, send you an ebook, and the ebook is low quality, not even spell checked, and contradicts itself. Then when you try to get your refund because it doesn't work, they claim that you have to prove you have bought an insane amount of products as "proof" that you tried to follow their system and point to the terms of service page. The terms of service are half bold and capitalized, but the refund policy is hidden even on the page and is nowhere else on the web site or in the ebooks.

Payment is through clickbank and they claim that sellers agree "that all such promotions will not be false or misleading". We'll see if they stand up to their own terms.

Company: Acne No More
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Misleading Website! Hydrogen Hybrid, eBook, ClickBank

Hidden charges!

Easylife Furniture
Shipping problem

Real Estate Investment Solutions
Promised refund but never paid as promised

BookmakerCode - Roger Lee
Ripped off, refuses to issue refund per 100% guarantee stated on the website

Terms of Service do not disclose the 'membership fee' automatically charged to your card

Janiece V. Smith,, Cybercode Worldwide
Does not refund money per 100% moneyback guarantee, does not return emails, product is poor quality Ripoff

Tonedetox &Pure Berry Max
Consumer Report

Vitalize and Sylkskin
Consumer Report

Paul Connor &, Giancarlo Capuccio
Product is not what is advertised, does not honor 90 day refund guarantee