Computers ripoff outsourced customer service nightmare

Internet & Web

I purchased a Dell Laptop back in August of and when I got billed the charges were about $100 off. Over the next 6 months it has been a Complete Nightmare dealing with the outsourced Customer Service (yes you guessed it, India). They have no clue! They may speak English but they have no training in dealing with Customer Service issues!

Simple request I needed a breakdown of the charges. It took 3 months to finally get an invoice. As I thought the free shipping was tacked on and the 2% credit for using their CC was not given. Now another 3 months have gone by, the thing is half paid for and so far nothing.

Any Corporate Advocate for outsourcing should have the heads examined. You can't expect someone half way around the world to understand and deal effectively with issues that are common sense to us!

So far I am ok with the laptop, God forbid I have a tehnical issue, I will probably throw the thing away.

My previous laptop was an IBM and I did have several technical issues with them but they were handled practically overnight w / out of state personell.

I would not buy from dell again!!

Company: Dell
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Round Rock
Address: One Dell Way
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