Aluria Software An Earthlink Company
Bad Tech Suppport, Bad Software Ripoff

Internet & Web

Be warned, this company's software gets good reviews by software reviewers, but apparently they don't keep it on their pc's after they do the review.

I bought 2 copies of this software for 2 pc's and after install both started getting Blue Screen crashes. I did an update to a more current version, and now I get these random alert boxes that pop up with only the number 99 in it! What the hell does that mean?

You can't call for tech support, this is one of those sites that you don't even get an email address, they have an online form you fill out and when they get to it, they MIGHT reply to you.

I filled out the form and they finally answered me that if I upgrade again, the 99 message error has been corrected in the latest version.

I upgraded. The 99 message stopped. The blue screens have not.

Last time I launched it, I was advised there was an update, and the update downloaded and installed.
The damned 99 alert is back again.

So I'd had enough, I decided to cut my loss on the cost and uninstall this crapware from my pc. I launched the uninstaller and a blank DOS window popped up running INSTALL-1. Exe using 100% of my processor and effectively seizing control of the pc. It was like that for 20 minutes. I could reinstall Windows in that time. Although the processor utilization was still at 100%, there was no hard drive activity. Obviously the system was hosed in the unistall.

Off I go to the web site to call for tech support to see if I can just shut down the PC or END TASK on the unistall application without totally hosing my pc. And all they have is the form to send tech support questions. Obviously I can't just leave my pc like this for 2 or 3 days while I wait for a reply... That may or may not even come via email.

So I look for a phone number and call, and they have a tech support option... Which plays a "visit out web site and fill out the form for all tech support" message.
Tech support needs to be available by phone for problems like this. Not everything can be resolved effectively by waiting days for a reply email.

So be warned if you buy this software when it's scanning for spyware, it works, but you have to deal with random system crashes, enigmatic 99 alert messages and "don't call us, we'll call you" tech support.

Company: Aluria Software An Earthlink Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lake Mary
Address: 725 Primera Blvd
Phone: 8886274650
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