People PC
Disempowering The People They Are Suposed To Serve It is easy get into People PC but they won't let you OUT Miami Florida

Internet & Web

I was using People PC Internet service for almost 2 years.

It was not especially good, a very slow dial up connection (even when they named it Accelerated to charge $15.95), but it was cheap; so that part I can understand.

The problems began after I moved on November 1st to a new address where I got high speed Internet through cable, because I need it for my current job, it was a nightmare trying to cancel the account with the people at People PC.

First, as my husband tried to cancel - he is Dutch - they play it hard to understand him. Two or three phone calls ended without results in November. Then, when I call several times in December, "the system was down" and they cannot confirm my cancelation. On December 20,21 and 22 I lost precious time in my working hours talking to very bad mannered ladies - most of them, with the exception of Deirdre - who after asking me a millions questions either let me on hold forever or told me: just call later, we cannot process this transaction now.

But they DID CHARGE my bank account twice, after I was not using the service, even when I don't have that phone line anymore. To accept my cancelation, the system was down. To take my money, for sure they don't have a problem. It is a shame that they named themselves People PC. Or maybe, its accurate: they are just like any politician: thieves and deceivers.

Company: People PC
Country: USA
Phone: 8665587987
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Falsely advertising "high speed" internet

People Pc Inc
Continued charging my credit card after I called to cancel service

Embarq slow internet, page can not be displayed, time out. Wouldn`t let me cancel without charging me $99.00

Verizon High Speed Internet
Verizon high speed internet verizon high speed internet services are just ripoff... I had 1mbps line for internet. And that was working fine. Just for promoting fios... Verizon cut down the speed to 20kbps. And that is ridiculous

Uol Netzero
Started charges to my card that was on file 3 months after cancelation not authorized

Lifestyle Family Fitness
Problem with Cancelation

People PC
Refuses to give refund after hassel

AOL - Time Warner
Ripoff dishonest fraudelent billing for dial-up/bring your own access plan

Charter Communications
Poor service!

America Online
Cancels your cancelation! Internet