GPlay, GoVoJo
Ripoff Deceptive Business Practices

Internet & Web

GPlay Inc. Is an online video game rental outlet, similar in its function to Netflix.

I took on a trial membership with the service, expecting titles selected as "In Stock" to be mailed within the estimated 24-48 hours suggested by the site. Of the three titles selected as being available, not one title was ever delivered during the entire two weeks of trial membership which subsequently resulted in a charge to my account. My greatest contention with the site involves blatant inaccuracies in its listing of available titles such as to mislead consumers with its fraudulent behavior. This is my second encounter in less than a month with such "Bait & Switch" marketing tactics, and I'm tired of it.

Company: GPlay, GoVoJo
Country: USA
State: California
City: Oakland
Address: 1904 Franklin St
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Extremely poor & slow service, unkept promises, reports of missing DVDs not returned Ripoff

Dvds or streaming, Netflix's claim of unlimited titles is misleading and false

Video Professor
Another VP Rip-Off

ResV pure
Refused to refund my credit card

Dolphin Automotive Wholesale Group
This particular company sold me a vehicle and never sent me the titles. I cant do anything without that. Also, the temporary tag is expired so I cant drive the vehicle or register it

Biewer Terrier Club of America Fraudulent Registry—Fraudulent Titles

Netflix free trial offer McKinney Texas

BMG Music
Charged more than the agreement was called for, Refused to send titles after payment had been made on more than one occasion, won't provide phone number to call ripoff
Terrible customer treatment!

Premium White
It is a scam