Dvds or streaming, Netflix's claim of unlimited titles is misleading and false

Recreation & Entertainment

Although I am still currently a client of Netflix. I still have some complaints about how they conduct their business. I too have suffered their "throttling", monkey business and had cancelled their services once before. But I was lured back because at that time there was no other better video rental service that had a vast selection of titles. So we figured out a way where we could get the newest titles with out being sent the least priority ones first, which meant they would be sent out of order and delayed. Then they started the 28 day wait garbage.

Then wireless devices and tv sets came on to the scene. I bought two roku boxes and a Vizio flat screen with wireless capabilities (the vizio is another complaint, will save for a later time). Just in time, Netflix split their services, to gouge their customers. So we canceled the dvd option, figuring we would still be able to view All the movies we wanted, knowing that even the newer ones would eventually show via streaming. ALL unlimited.

It shouldn't have came as a surprise when we noticed that NOT all movies were streamable! We were LIMITED to movies that were only viewable via online, otherwise we would have to add a subscription to have the dvds mailed to us. So that's an extra $7.99. So we were limited to older, B type, and straight to videos movies (which can be viewed on regular tv). So, Netflix's claim on their web site of "Unlimited titles" is false and misleading.netlix has been sued before and lost for the same infraction.

And they only ones who gained from that, were the lawyers. And netlix barely got a slap on the must be thinking that they cant be sued again (double jeopardy?). Why not? These are now different and SEPERATE video rental offers. And if not; does this give Netflix the right to keep doing this type of crooked business? I don't care if the lawyers get the monetary rewards, just as long as Netflix changes the way they do things and we, the customers, get what we paid for. Unlimited titles as promised!!

Company: Netflix
Country: USA
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