Dell Computers
Rebates are BOGAS Ripoff!

Internet & Web

I work for the #1 Chevrolet Dealer in Austin Texas (Henna Chevrolet) Dell reps lied to me about rebates. I don't care what you do you can not get a hold of anyone there. If you do get through on there customer chat line there systems is always dowm.

I hate Dell Computers! They have the worst customer sevice I have ever seen! I sell cars at Henna Chevrolet and if we had cutomer service like this we would not be in business. I bought a demention 8400 spent over $2000.00, they don't give a crap about anyone!!!

I was not told that the so called "REBATE" expires in 30 days. I was told the rebate would be sent to me in 4 to 6 weeks. DON'T buy a computer from Dell ever! They are horrid! If you want to E-mail Micheal Dell go to, but you will never get a response so don't bother!!!

Company: Dell Computers
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 8801 Reasearch Blvd Suite A
Phone: 8885774770
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Computers ripoff REBATE offe

Ripoff-contact info

Dell Computers
Rebate ripoff

Dell Computer Rebates
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