Dell Financial
Ripoff fleecing of America Texas and Illinois

Internet & Web

I won't bore you with the details but my story is similar to others who are being ripped of by Dell Financial. Please understand that Dell Financial is not connected to Dell Inc, except in name. Dell Financial is CIT Bank. They don't care one what what your problem is with Dell.

It appears as I am sure you all know, that Dell Financial's only mission is to steal money from unsuspecting consumers. As I am sure you all have experienced the black hole that they continue to send you into at their toll free number. I know that this is intentional.

If intentional deception steals another's property well then that is fraud. I believe this is not just unethical but also criminal. I believe it is by design. This is what I am going to try to do. Yesterday I called 60 minutes, CBS news in new york city. I talked to an assistant, who I am convinced, thinks I am a lunatic.

What we have here, which I just figured out, is two independent subjects #1 our frustration and #2 the tip of the iceberg to fraud. I've been mixing the two in the same conversation. That just makes me sound like I'm a lunatic and the listener tunes out over my miniscule little problem. Try to tell your story simply without frustration.

I believe that CIT Financial is likely partnered with other corporations and is running this same racket. So I do believe this situation might be as big as ENRON and that we are only sitting on top of the tip of the iceberg. No one is going to listen to us because we are unrelated in anyway, (unlike the Enron employees) Next I would love to find any former CIT Employee who could fill us in on what goes on. Next I am going to contact my state attorney general, next I am going to contact SEN EDward Kennedy, he seems to be as irritated as most of us with Financial instutional stealing. I am also going to contact my own senators and congressman. I am going to contact the justice dept.

Hopefully If I can simplify my story so that it is not so damn convoluted I could get the prosecutor who is going after Ebbers and Scrushy to listen to the story, I am going to contact the attorney general of New York state. He seems to be motivated to take on large corporations.

I am going to contact Al Franken on AIR AMerica. He is fed up with corporated greed. If we can act maturely, present our stories simply, giving the facts, perhaps someone will listen. I can't figure out the best order for this plan but I won't quit until I have contacted every person on my list. I may lose this battle, but it won't be for lack of trying. This may help any of you who are as determined as I am. Regardless of how frustrated or angry you become because of the black hole.

I try to assure the Rep, by name, that it is not her or him I am angry at but the situation. I don't want them to feel threated, even though I'd like to reach through the phone and wring someone's neck Remember not to threaten anyone. Mike Wallace c/o 60 Minutes 555 West 67th St, ninth floor, NY, NY 10019. The Telephone Number is 212-975-4321.

My suggestion is to write out a one page or less explanation of your problem before you make the call or write the letter, have a friend listen to it and critique you clarity or lunacy. Try not to sound like a lunatic, like I think I must have. If as you are telling your story to friends, listen to see if they have had similar experiences with other companies. If they can tell you the financial institution is behind their problem, we might begin to be able to tie in the connections. Look at the back of your checks, not including my bank their are three banks who are somehow in on the deal.

Mellon, CIT, and I can't remember the third one. But this is huge huge huge. And we have to get someone to listen. Oh one last thing, try to write a "memorandum for the record" of all conversations. Better yet it would be awesome if you could tape record the conversations, (for "quality control purposes") In our state, I believe the law only requires one person (you) to be informed that a conversation is being recorded. Your state may vary, so If you go that route check your state law, don't rely on my input on that one.

Anyway good luck, keep your chins up and DON"T QUIT that is what they want and count on us doing. Besides you've already lost your 100 bucks and aren't going to get it back. A winner never wins and a winner never quits. Our goal is to get someone to be held responsible for this "fleecing of America"

Company: Dell Financial
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Round Rock
Address: One Dell Way
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