America Online
AOL billing ripoff AOL refuses to let you cancel

Internet & Web

This company is a joke. I had heard of all the complaints prior to calling to cancel. Thus I was prepared for all their excuses.

I was told every excuse under the sun why to keep my account. I said, "Listen, I just want to cancel, I don't want a 2 hour discussion."

I was given the "free month" offer. He basicaly refused to cancel me. I figure it will be easier to have my credit card company deal with AOL.

He goes, "We are a huge company, that is why you want to use us." I go, "No, you are a publicly traded company that must grow at 10% per year. Thus you won't let people cancel."

I ENCOURAGE everyone to cancel with AOL. Dump them. There are a ton of free email services out there.

Company: America Online
Country: USA
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