Nancobler's Movies And More - Robin Kay
Ripoff False advertising, shipped defective merchandise, refused to make full refund

Internet & Web

In my case Nancobbler a.K. A Robin Kay advertised items on eBay as in mint condition. 50% of actual shipment was badly defective and was returned. Seller refused to make full refund despite written product quality and money back guarantees. Nancobbler does not respond to emails, telephone calls or letters once she receives payment in advance.

Nancobbler has 377 cases of negative feedback (complaints) on eBay during the past 13 months. Seller has badgered, bullied, insulted, threatened, intimidated and defrauded buyers according to the victims. Victims claim that merchandise was paid for but never received, refunds for defective merchandise never received, damaged merchandise not replaced, threats made against buyers to discourage claims, and retaliation employed against customers who do complain.

Victims believe that the seller is extremely vindictive. Ebay has refused to investigate Nancobbler-or any of the consumer complaints - because she is a powerseller and generates revenue for them. Seller has found and exploits a segment of the market (small dollar interstate purchases not by credit card) where consumer protections are inadequate.

A Nancobbler victims group has been formed to coordinate action against Nancobbler and if necessary eBay. We will bring her to justice for her treatment of consumers no matter how long it takes. Ebays unconditional protection of this predator raises questions about their ability-or interest - in self policing their network and government regulation may be needed to protect consumer rights.

Company: Nancobler's Movies And More - Robin Kay
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Egg Harbor
Address: 7234 Clubhouse Circle
Phone: 6098043373
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Nancobbler And EBay
Nancobbler S Movies And More False advertising, ripoff defective merchndise, failure to make refund, threats, rude, uncommunicative

Nancobbler One Ebay
Ripoff, lied, illegal use of paypal information, never refunded my money for damaged video, ebay will NOT repsond Nancobbler used my payment information to illegally call my office and harass me, They never refunded me my money for damage INTERNET

Nancobbler Movies And More Aka Robin Kay
Nancobbler Movies And More Robin Kay Lied, retalitory feedback slow shipping, rude threatening e-mail ripoff

EBay Inc
Ebay tried to stop a state investigation of a powerseller, protects powerseller against injured customers, and stonewalls all victim requests for performance info on the powerseller
Lucas Knight False advertising, potentially illegal DVD copying, deliberate shipping of defective merchandise, failure to respond to customer communications, failure to replace defective merchandise

Rey perez Rey Perez also known as the seller hollywoodrey on ebay was reported in a case of buyers fraud making false claims of the condition of an item from a seller with a 100% feedback

Misrepresents returned, defective and repacked merchandise, sells on ebay

Ebay does not protect seller! Encourages fraudulent Buyers

Carmen H. Rosa - Checkourexpress Fraudulent ebay seller Internet Selling - Hostile Communications ripoff

Complict if seller fraud ebay seller rabin70, seller faucettownusa Ebay's "Buyer Prtection" is clever fraud allowing sellers to circumvent dispute processes