Cox Communications
Equipment return is a scam. Customer Service is non-existant. Close your account and you get sent to collections. Ripoff

Internet & Web

I received a letter about 6 months ago informing me that Cox was changing their modems to DOCSIS cable modems. I had the choice of purchasing my own modem or continue to rent from them and a replacement modem would automatically be sent in 4 weeks. So in 4 weeks, I received the replacement modem and did the exchange over the internet. I sent the old modem back in their packaging and with their pre-paid label. The UPS store advised that me that I didn't need any proof of mailing, as they (Cox) already had the tracking number.

A few months later I started having nothing but problems with the new modem and my internet connection. I called 3 times for help but was not resolved. They even sent a technician out to my home to fix the problem, and still, the problem was not solved. I called once more, and they stated that I would have to make another appointment to have this fixed.

Frustrated, I talked with one of my coworkers who was in I.T. And he suggested I try SBC. Thus, I began to change my accounts to SBC highspeed internet and Satellite (by the way, cable was terrible as well as their "On-demand" service only worked 50% of the time).

On 1/5/05, I physically turned in my equipment, and made my final payment. At this time they stated that there was an outstanding modem. I advised them that I had turned that in well over 3 months ago, in their packaging and with their UPS label with the tracking number they provided. She said ok. They would follow-up.

On 1/26/05, I get this URGENT NOTICE - as my account was going to collections for $149.95. The notice provides no explanation. I called them and advised them of what had occurred, and inquired how I could be sent to collections when they haven't ever shown an itemized bill for this $149.95.

Also, since I it had been well over 3 months since I not only returned the old modem but registered the new modem on the internet (so they knew I was using the new one), why did they not inquire where the old modem was at that time? Especially, since they state that these "Non-DOCSIS" modems will not work with Cox High Speed Internet.

Today, instead of getting a follow-up letter or status of my account, they now send me an itemized statement and bill for $149.95. I particularly find it interesting that the bill says "About your account"- and advises that un-returned in-house equipment can be charged up to $500 per equipment to your account.

Avoid Cox Communications. Now since they have competition with Satellite, they have gone down hill in all aspects - products and customer service. I will never go back.

Company: Cox Communications
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 5159 Federal Blvd
Phone: 6192630736
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