Has got to be the most assinine, anal, unresponsive company ever

Internet & Web

Ordered a Dell 8200 Dimension 12/20/01.21inch monitor, 990cse printer and 5470 scanner. Top of the line stuff. There was a mistake in ordering the monitor and I had to change the original order from a flat screen to the 21inch. Impossible to do online.

4am 12/21/01 trying to get this order changed. Gave up. Called a phone number later that am. After several attempts I finally get a recording telling me that my "wait will be aprox 30 minutes. At 25 minutes I get another recording. Please call back during regular business hours.

I spent the rest of the day trying to get in touch with anybody at Dell. I am not exagerating, but it took six days to get this order changed. Yes, SIX DAYS! That was just the begining of what has turned out to be the most rediculous ordeal that I have ever gone through. I will not go into all of the details but it did not get better from there. Lets just say that I am still receiving emails informing me that my system has been shipped. I received my system December 28. I have had a certain satisfaction in steering two friends away from Dell just in the last week. One was going to purchase Dell all the way. I just pulled out all the printed emails that I had sent to Dell and he turned green and bought a Compaq. The other was a friend that called me for advice. She said "I was told that Dell was a good brand?" I responded with "Your right, Dell was a good brand however they suck now"

Company: Dell
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 3500 A Wadley Place
Phone: 8006249897
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Ripoff-contact info

Dell Computer

Dell Tvs
Dell scam artist dell is a scam. They shipped me a TV that I didn't orde


Dell Computer
Ripoff Carol Stream, IL

Is misleading about their printers, Ripoff!

Ripoff dell sells tv monitors w-1700 and does not repair them round rock texas

Dell Inc
Michael S. Dell BAIT AND SWITCH on televisions

Dell Computer Order Computer Company in Texas
Consumer Report

Dell Multi Function Printer
Dell is bought by Don’t!