X180 Force Factor
Beware! Stay Away! Credit Card charging nightmare!

Health & Medicine

This company promotes a Male enhancement product called X180 by Force Factor and starts off by seeing if you "qualify for a free trial". Well all you have to do is enter your name and Email address and *bingo* you qualify!!! Fancy that!

Then they tell you how it makes you feel instantly more viral and stronger... Well for a free trial, why not.

Then the website guides you to enter your address (gotcha!) and then claim that although the product is free, shipping is 4.99. Okay... So I enter the credit card info. Whats 5 bucks?
And in tiny tiny tiny writing on the screen at the left (my regular reading glasses didn't work, you need a magnifier. Really!), they say that if you do not call and cancel within 18 days you are agreeing to a 69.99 per month supply program!

Well okay... Seems simple enough... They claim I will feel this product's effect in 10 days so why not?

Nothing... And this product tastes terrible. I think its like that cod liver oil packaged.

Well, as you might guess. Nothing happens (except really bad tasting burps)... So you call and cancel. It takes multiple attempts to reach someone at the phone number... And after you sit on hold. Then when you exlpain that you want to cancel, they try and talk you out of it saying that it takes 3 or 4 MONTHS to get the benefits of X180!!

REALLY? What a difference from their ads where you will feel it right away!
Anyways I cancel.

What do you expect to happen? Yup... You get charged 69.99 plus shipping for the next shipment! Get the drift?
Call again... They promise a refund that might take 6-8 weeks!!!

Next month... Yup. Charged again. When you call, they never give you last names and always play dumb and "try and see what the problem is"

I am still waiting to make sure I am cancelled and get my refunds.

This is an example of one of those companies that you will end up seeing on CNBC after de-frauding thousands on their credit cards and the company goes under before giving the due money back.

Avoid... Avoid. Avoid...

Company: X180 Force Factor
Country: USA
Phone: 18558283789
Site: forcefactor.com
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